Precision Rifle Gear Light it up— looking for ocular mount input


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jul 18, 2022
Hi folks. Some of you may have heard about my new Light it Up ( I am looking to get some input about different ways to mount the ocular piece (see below for what I currently have)

So right now, the ocular piece is attached with VHB mounting tape and the contact patch is 0.5” deep and arcs across 2 inches around the ocular of the scope or scope cap.

I am curious if folks have opinions about this or if anyone would like other options?

Some ideas I have been bouncing around but don’t know if folks would like include: snap ring with incremented clicks, integrated scope cap (probably more challenging to do), velcro or elastic strapping.

I appreciate any thoughts and opinions. I made this thing the way I like it but really want to make folks the options they’d like in the future.

Kyle, I would go for something you can remove and reinstall easily like velcro or elastic strapping. I decided to go back to bikini style cover once I realized that one of my common mental / process mistakes was starting the stage with either both or one of the caps closed. So not a fan of a dual function ocular scope cap