Firearms LMT MARS-H Complete SOPMOD Lower, MARS-L Stripped Lower, 16" .308 CL Barrel


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  • Feb 15, 2017
    Couple of items up for grabs:

    1. MARS-H SOPMOD Complete Lower - less than 30 rounds on this. LMT Trigger was replaced with Larue MBT-2S $910 $880 Shipped

    2. MARS-L Stripped Lower - probably 120 rounds on this. The mag release button was replaced with a button that allows the mag to be locked for ban states by inserting a screw. It functions as normal, it just has a small threaded spot for a screw. I have the factory mag release button that I will send with it. LMT Ambi mag release is missing. I think I might have sold it a long time ago. There are also some very minor knicks that I have shown in the pictures. $220 Shipped SOLD

    3. LMT .308 16" CL Barrel. Less than 30 rounds $390 Shipped SOLD

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