
Full Member
Mar 21, 2013
My LMT likes to hug Pmags, even a pretty aggressive whip won't send then flying. It isn't any sort of mechanical lockup they are just snug going in and coming out. Other owners experiencing this? I have a bunch of new Pmags, latest gen on the way, not sure it will matter. How about factory SR25 mags?
I've had some success with sanding PMAGs in the MWS. They still won't drop free reliably. I only have one KAC mag, but it won't drop free either. It's got something to do with the upper, not the lower. They will all drop free if I have the upper separated. They will all drop free if I have the upper on, but the bolt closed (probably the follower pushing off the bottom of the bolt). None of them will drop free with the bolt open. I'm not sure, but I think it's the front of the mag binding against the area just under the chamber on the upper.
Mumbles is you bought an SR the KAC mag would have dropped free ;)

Kidding aside I have two MWS LMT guns at work (LMT sent us) one standard MWS and one Brit contract gun - both of those our mags drop free on. Weird

Feel free to send me an ECC sample kev and I can try and get to the bottom of this
Both SR and Pmags drop free on my MWS as long as I have the gun strait up and down. If I induce cant in the gun during the reload the mag will bind. I believe it's due to the dimension and weight of the 7.62 mags. Try holding the gun barrel level and pushing the mag release with the bolt open. Hold down the mag release until the entire mag clears the catch. Please let us know how it turns out.
Both SR and Pmags drop free on my MWS as long as I have the gun strait up and down. If I induce cant in the gun during the reload the mag will bind. I believe it's due to the dimension and weight of the 7.62 mags. Try holding the gun barrel level and pushing the mag release with the bolt open. Hold down the mag release until the entire mag clears the catch. Please let us know how it turns out.

Same here. SR and Pmags drop free on my MWS when the gun is level or close to level. I haven't sanded my Pmags but it did wipe them down with Armor All which seemed to help as well.
It's something about the way the very top of the mag is contacting something. If I wiggle it past the first few millimeters, it will drop the rest of the way on it's own. Just the follower pushing against a closed bolt is enough to make it drop. Open bolt, nothing drops free, no matter what, until it's past those first few millimeters. I only have one KAC mag, I guess it's possible I have a dud, but at $100 a piece I'm not going to buy more to find out. I picked up two C-Products magazines as well, neither of them drop free and one doesn't even fit. The only type of mag I have a significant number of is the PMAGs.

I started this thread back when I first got the rifle:

I've sanded the PMAGs, and that's been the only thing that's provided anything like success, although it's still hit or miss whether they fall out or stick.
It's something about the way the very top of the mag is contacting something. If I wiggle it past the first few millimeters, it will drop the rest of the way on it's own. Just the follower pushing against a closed bolt is enough to make it drop. Open bolt, nothing drops free, no matter what, until it's past those first few millimeters. I only have one KAC mag, I guess it's possible I have a dud, but at $100 a piece I'm not going to buy more to find out. I picked up two C-Products magazines as well, neither of them drop free and one doesn't even fit. The only type of mag I have a significant number of is the PMAGs.

I started this thread back when I first got the rifle:

I've sanded the PMAGs, and that's been the only thing that's provided anything like success, although it's still hit or miss whether they fall out or stick.

For other options you can try ASC (Ammunition Storage Components) magazines. When I bought 10 round mags from LMT that is the supplier they used.

Its a metal body magazine. They sell 20 rounders also.

I note that my 10 rounders are pretty tight in the magwell. I was attributing that to new finish dragging on both the rifle and the mag. The 10 rounders are at a disadvantage also because the mag is almost entirely covered in the well, not a lot of extra mass to cause it to drop on its own. Perhaps I have the same issue you have.