Hunting & Fishing Location Suggestion Request - Central or Northern Utah Backpacking/Fishing in Early June


Full Member
Aug 24, 2010
I'm looking for a good spot for backpacking into this coming June in northern Utah with the family (8 y/o daughter, 11y/o son, backpacking rookie g/f and my brother), and need some tips. I'm well equipped and all and of course my fieldcraft is pretty dang good, but I'm going to have the kids with me so that prevents going into the snowy back country. Watching the Snotel sites in the Uintas, it's not looking good for an early thaw so I'm looking for a backup location to Grandaddy Basin which is my primary. It's still at 59" at Five Points Lake, which isn't that much higher in elevation that where I was planning initially and more snowfall coming too. Here's what I'm looking for:

- Backpacking in around six miles, no less than two for the peace and quiet, easy to moderate ascent
- Trails for the most part, but can cross country if it's worth it and safe enough for the kids (no boulder fields)
- GOOD fishing lake(s)
- Low enough elevation for all but the worst drifts to be gone (under 10K)
- Solitude
- No campfire restrictions (I'm not making smores over a Whisperlite...)

I'm looking at the second week of June during the week, so I'm hoping that helps with the solitude portion as well. We can battle the skeeters, the mud, even some minor snow, but I don't want to battle the crowds and the fishing is a must. My own lake for a few days is the dream so long as it has the fishing activity. I can't slide the dates for this one; plane tickets from Kabul are already purchased and set in stone.

I'm putting a lot into the planning and equipping of this trip, but success still comes down to the location. Anybody with any good leads will be most appreciated. If you have a special place that you don't want to put out on the forum but are willing to share, feel free to PM me and it would be held in confidentiality as well.
I live in Northern Utah and would be happy to make some reccomendations. Snowpack will be the fight this year. I've been hoofing about up Logan Canyon (Cache County) recently but there is still signifigant snow for most of the secluded lakes. There are some gorgeous secluded lakes around here but it can be hit and miss on fishing. White Pine Lake is one of my favorites in this area. Its a 3-4 mile hike in, decent trail, and at about 9000'. Some years I can catch plenty of fish to stuff my gut; other years, not so much. The lake get traffic from day hikers but not many people stay over night. Thier loss. If its early enough that everything is still green there are no fire restrictions. Having said that, I think the politicans handed over control to the State Forester this year to make that call. You will want to check on that closer to when your coming for fire issue Statewide. If its anything like last year it got dry really quick and the restrictions got heavy early. Feel free to PM me with any questions of thoughts. How long are you planning on camping for?
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Thanks for the suggestions and offers so far guys, I really do appreciate it. I have a lot of family out there still as I'm originally from Sanpete, and they've been telling me pretty much the same. I might just end up Fairview Canyon on some private property that way, but I'm trying to avoid that one for now as it's always really crowded up there once school lets out. Otherwise I'm looking at Trial Lake area, and hoping I can get into some of the other lakes in the area for some quiet time as well. I'm really not wanting to truck camp it, but I will if it comes down to that.

Wasatch County is not what I'm looking for; too many folks there and I'm wanting to get away from the city lights for some nighttime photography as well. I'd hit the desert if I could find some fishing.