Me and my shooting partner went out today in hopes of scoring a bobcat. We ended up calling a female coyote to about 160 yards behind us coming into the wind. Steve spotted her and I was able to get on her and put her down with the AR10. Bang flop. Pretty easy and a good start. The fur on her hind end didn't look so great so we opted not to skin her.
Coyote #2 was making his presence known, whereas we were not. He was howling down in a canyon with some of his pack members when he too met a swift end. With a lasered 785 yards, I I ran the elevation turret from the dope on the FTE app. on my Ipod. One shot later, another dog. This time he was the big male on the block. Got him skinned and will send him off to be tanned.
The 87 VMAX performed well at this range. I held on his nose and the elevation was perfect! The windage was just a hunch, which turned out to be just right. The bullet entered the shoulder and exited the ribs. He spun twice and never moved another muscle.
You can kind of see where we were shooting from in the pic looking back over the coyote back to the ridge line. On the ridge, you can see a small gap in the trees, right in the middle of the photo. It's far. It was a pain in the ass to take him out of there, but made for some nice pics too.
The Iballistic app performed great. I used a G7 bc from B. Litz's book. I can't remember exactly the comeup, I think it was 17.1 from a 200 zero. What ever it was, it worked. Enjoy, Eric
Coyote #2 was making his presence known, whereas we were not. He was howling down in a canyon with some of his pack members when he too met a swift end. With a lasered 785 yards, I I ran the elevation turret from the dope on the FTE app. on my Ipod. One shot later, another dog. This time he was the big male on the block. Got him skinned and will send him off to be tanned.
The 87 VMAX performed well at this range. I held on his nose and the elevation was perfect! The windage was just a hunch, which turned out to be just right. The bullet entered the shoulder and exited the ribs. He spun twice and never moved another muscle.
You can kind of see where we were shooting from in the pic looking back over the coyote back to the ridge line. On the ridge, you can see a small gap in the trees, right in the middle of the photo. It's far. It was a pain in the ass to take him out of there, but made for some nice pics too.
The Iballistic app performed great. I used a G7 bc from B. Litz's book. I can't remember exactly the comeup, I think it was 17.1 from a 200 zero. What ever it was, it worked. Enjoy, Eric