Looking at a 50 BMG


May 24, 2020
Looking into getting my first 50 BMG. I am looking for what other people recommend and their experience with them. I haven't decided a price point yet. I am not looking to do any hunting with it. Just precision shooting and maybe some destruction fun. The AI AX50 really grabs my attention. Also thinking of the MRAD.
I chose to go with an upper receiver so I can remove it from the lower in case I have a need to travel through enemy territory (state that bans 50 bmg) with it.
I went with the Ferret 50 because they offered a free left handed bolt.
I had a Barrett M 107. A beast it was. If I were to do it over again Id likely go AI or ...

Be aware that most ranges dont allow them because they tear shit up tooo badly. The APITs are fun, set a field o fire with them. :cool:
I bought a single shot AR-15 upper several years back and had fun with it just for throwing API and APIT out in the desert where there was nothing to burn down. Lots of wide open spaces with no civilization to worry about ricochets.

Even so, it got old. Once the initial fun wears off, it's a 20-35lb rifle that costs $3-10 a shot to fire, it kicks the shit out of you (just the blast is enough to ring your bell and fuck with your sinuses), you need a designated spotter, it's hard to load develop (money, recoil, flinch, limited component selection), and all my attempts at accuracy left me kind of "mehhh". Lots of real ranges won't allow them. So I sold it.

For the longest time I was of the opinion that it was just the AR-15 setup that was what made it less bearable and that a purpose built rifle would be the way to go. I set my sights on an AW50 and put it in the "one day" category. Earlier this year I got the opportunity to mess around with an AX50 and thought "Oh cool!" until I started handling the rifle...

It's heavy. It's heavy. It's stupid. The same problems persist on the recoil, blast, and financial side of things which in turn limits accuracy/precision potential, which in turn limits maximum effective ranges, which begs the question why do I want this big heavy piece? The only benefit over something like a .300 PRC, .300 Norma, .338... is energy on target. How much energy do you need on target? Which also begs the question of available range space, backstops, ricochet hazards, etc... You're starting to throw some serious heat down range, and in the case of AP, API, APIT, there's a pretty serious core inside that doesn't deform, splatter, etc. like a lead core does. Same story for the turned solids. It's going to leave a mark on whatever it hits, even from a ricochet.

If ELR (past 2000yd) is the goal, then the .416 and ESPECIALLY .375 options piss pound the .50.

Just food for thought. It's all expensive and the more you shoot the less you want to. It's approaching the size that the gun ought to be on a carriage with a T&E.
Have to agree with Ledzep, the AI I had was rather heavy, accurate enough, but feeding that beast was horribly expensive . Fun gun to shoot, no doubt. As previously mentioned, the range I normally do my long distance stuff doesn't allow the 50's, so the first year I owned it, I had to go to the Missouri river bottom . The entire year I made it down there 5 days. Burned through a bunch of ammo and had a great time. 2and year I spent less time behind it. 3rd year I sold it, it was just sitting in the safe.

If you have the land (and the backstop) for it, I say go for it, they are fun. If you don't I'd say go for the 300 or 338, they are both great long range rigs. My 2cents.
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I'm a fan of the Barrett 99. If precision is one of you goals the Semi Barrett might disappoint. If you have a budget for the AI then then you have most all of them covered. You could even have one built. I would recommend something like the 99 to get you started and let you see if you like shooting and feeding 50's. If you do you can always sell it down the line and a 3-4 thousand dollar gun is easier to unload than a 10-12 thousand dollar gun.
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I bought a single shot AR-15 upper several years back and had fun with it just for throwing API and APIT out in the desert where there was nothing to burn down. Lots of wide open spaces with no civilization to worry about ricochets.

Even so, it got old. Once the initial fun wears off, it's a 20-35lb rifle that costs $3-10 a shot to fire, it kicks the shit out of you (just the blast is enough to ring your bell and fuck with your sinuses), you need a designated spotter, it's hard to load develop (money, recoil, flinch, limited component selection), and all my attempts at accuracy left me kind of "mehhh". Lots of real ranges won't allow them. So I sold it.

For the longest time I was of the opinion that it was just the AR-15 setup that was what made it less bearable and that a purpose built rifle would be the way to go. I set my sights on an AW50 and put it in the "one day" category. Earlier this year I got the opportunity to mess around with an AX50 and thought "Oh cool!" until I started handling the rifle...

It's heavy. It's heavy. It's stupid. The same problems persist on the recoil, blast, and financial side of things which in turn limits accuracy/precision potential, which in turn limits maximum effective ranges, which begs the question why do I want this big heavy piece? The only benefit over something like a .300 PRC, .300 Norma, .338... is energy on target. How much energy do you need on target? Which also begs the question of available range space, backstops, ricochet hazards, etc... You're starting to throw some serious heat down range, and in the case of AP, API, APIT, there's a pretty serious core inside that doesn't deform, splatter, etc. like a lead core does. Same story for the turned solids. It's going to leave a mark on whatever it hits, even from a ricochet.

If ELR (past 2000yd) is the goal, then the .416 and ESPECIALLY .375 options piss pound the .50.

Just food for thought. It's all expensive and the more you shoot the less you want to. It's approaching the size that the gun ought to be on a carriage with a T&E.
Thank you for your insight. Thinking that a 50 is not the way to go.
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I second Barrett M99, They are absolutely awesome. The M99 is a very accurate rifle on average.

The biggest problem I know of with the M99, at least the earlier ones was the triggers as they were pretty heavy and creepy. This was an issue Barrett was reported to be working on so this may not be a problem any more.
I've talked myself out of a .50 a couple of times. They are cool and if you really want it then go for it. However, I think you would get just as much enjoyment out of a .338 and would end up shooting it more often.
I went the other way. For something that’s mostly just a fun gun I prefer the 50 and historically you can find ammo cheaper than the big 338’s. Reloading obviously changes that but for some people factory ammo is important.
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I second Barrett M99, They are absolutely awesome. The M99 is a very accurate rifle on average.

The biggest problem I know of with the M99, at least the earlier ones was the triggers as they were pretty heavy and creepy. This was an issue Barrett was reported to be working on so this may not be a problem any more.
They all feel pretty similar to me so I honestly don’t know if they’ve been upgraded over time. Once you learn them you are still able to shoot pretty accurately. They will never be up to the level of a nice modern bolt action trigger.
I hear the AI and DTA kick like mules.

If looking to blow stuff up look at the Serbu semi auto. Gas operated with a fixed barrel. Lighter, kicks less and much more accurate than the Barrett
Don't forget to look at Cadex!
Better to be looking at a 50 than a 50 looking at you, but realistically if uncle sam isn’t paying for the ammo I wouldn’t bother. I think the serbu is your most affordable platform.
I bought one just to have it (actually had 2 for a bit) Mostly as deersniper above stated. I let other people shoot it who have always wanted to fire a 50 cal. Mine has been fired more by others than by me. It’s a fun play toy more than anything. I have other guns for long range work.

Had the Serbu 50 BFG and Armalite AR50A1. Armalite was more accurate, less recoil, a bit heavier, nicer trigger (5 lbs compared to the Serbu at over 9 lbs). It is a bigger overall and heavier gun but the Armalite is a very solid built rifle. The action on mine is smooth as butter. Right up there with my AIAT. The Serbu would hang up on the hammer when operating the bolt and eventually quit closing altogether so I replaced the trigger which allowed the bolt to close again and brought the pull to around 6 lbs.

Sold the Serbu and still own the Armalite. Most likely will be a rifle my kids inherit someday.

If your looking for a range toy and have the money then go for it. For long range precision etc there are other options as stated above if you choose to go that route. Keep a look out in the px section here as 50’s do come up for sale. Most people buy them, get their rocks off on having one and sell to fund something more practical. If you buy at the used price you won’t be out much should you decide to part with it someday

I don’t think AI or Cadex will disappointment
The M99 trigger has a different feeling but not bad at all once you get used to it. Remember too the M99 is a "Bull pup" so there is a lot of linkage to get to the sear. Barrett has done a pretty good job with this IMO. I always have people dry fire it first just to get a feel for it. There doesn't seem to be a wall that you hit like with other triggers on the take up. "let the trigger break surprise you" as they used to say. I think the trigger is appropriate for the caliber.

Mine doesn't get out much and really isn't impressive with ball ammo accuracy wise. I compare it to having a sports car that you hardly ever drive and when you do ball ammo is like "pump gas", you just aren't getting it to its full potential. But it sure is fun and will draw a crowd.

If you can financially justify an AI or Cadex, you can justify the expense of match ammo ("race gas") or the reloading (equipment as well as component) cost.

"Range exceeds 4 miles- be sure of your back stop!"
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I have the Barrett M107A Military Configuration Kit. New not even removed from the case. Not a catalogue item so you would be hard pressed to find one in the wild. Might part with it if the price is right!!
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Like most people said had one and sold after a while.

Fun to break big rocks with see a big old tracer, without a doubt

Personally it just wasn’t accurate enough...I’m not shooting to miss
I have had several 50BMG’s
Bohica was my first costly cool mistake.
Then got an Armalite, it was far better, but accurate enough to sorta hit a 24x24 plate at 1000 yards.
Then got a Barret M107, yet better & softer shooting than the Armalite. Could hit 24x24 plate at 1000 yards 90% of the time.
Then got a Gen 1 AX50, softest shooting & shot reliable 10” groups at 1000 yards.
Then got a Gen 2 AX 50, it’s heavier than the Gen 1, built a little stiffer, monster brake, shoots very tight 3-6” groups regularly at 1000 yards with Hornady 750 AMax ammo.
I had a guy with a Cadex come out last month, I shot his, while it’s a sweet rifle setup, it’s equivalent to the Gen 1 AX 50 as far as accuracy goes. This is my experience with 2-3 guys shooting all the rifles with same ammo to compare to.

As far as cost of ammo, if you buy 100 rounds at a time for $550 of Hornady AMax 750, or you can get 100 rounds of 660 ball ammo usually around $300. You can sell the brass for $1-2 and recoup some of that cost, it’s hard to justify reloading. Like others say, if it’s a friend that just want to shoot a 50BMG, use ball ammo. If it’s a true shooter, load the Hornady. Most people can’t out shoot Hornady do to being afraid of pulling the trigger. Once you get over the blast, sound wave, recoil, you can flat out shoot lights out with it.

I’d challenge anyone to a 1000 yard shoot off in any caliber with my Gen 2 AX 50, beyond that, there may a big difference. But wind, weather, gravity, & all play a far bigger impact than ballistics. DOPE is you friend at that point, but you have to shoot the hell out of it to get that.

My FN Ballista 338LM kicks as much with the factory suppressor brake as my AX 50 does. One of the reasons I listed it for sale. I may just change the brake and keep it, but it cost a good bit to shoot too, I have to reload to afford to shoot it.

The last point I’d make is “Where to shoot it at?” If you don’t have a range or a farm to shoot it, 50BMG is like a PitBull. Insurance companies have banned them from most policies for gun ranges. The ranges that do allow them are slowly banning them do to dumbasses shooting their 1/4”-3/8” AR plates at different distances and tearing it up.

My take on 50BMG
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Then got a Gen 2 AX 50, it’s heavier than the Gen 1, built a little stiffer, monster brake, shoots very tight 3-6” groups regularly at 1000 yards with Hornady 750 AMax ammo.


Please tell me you taking that setup to the FCSA World Championships to pretty much win everything in every class.... unless someone breaks a FCSA World Record, but other than that you would clean house.


Please tell me you taking that setup to the FCSA World Championships to pretty much win everything in every class.... unless someone breaks a FCSA World Record, but other than that you would clean house.


is this what your talking about:


UPDATE effective 10/08/2014
Light Gun Heavy Gun Unlimited GunHunter - Prone
Single Target Group
Dale Arenson
2.178” - 5/24/2013
Lee Rasmussen
1.955" - 7/4/2009
Patrick Bieck
2.045" - 8/31/2014
Sheri Rasmussen
2.992" - 6/01/2008
Single Target High Score
Lynn McMurdo
50-5x - 7/6/2002
Lee Rasmussen
50-5x - 8/18/2007
Bryan McCann
50-5x - 10/15/2005
Sheri Rasmussen
50-5x - 6/01/2008
Six Target Agg
Mark Avakian
5.823" - 7/4/2009
Lee Rasmussen
5.177" - 7/6/2013
Lee Rasmussen
5.281'' - 7/6//2013
Lee Rasmussen
7.406" - 7/5/2007


thats not what my AR-50 looked like lol....pics or it didnt happen
So, benchrest agg scores made with
lathe turned bullets
Hand loaded ammo
Custom action
Custom barrel contour
Custom brake
Custom bag riding chassis
Is not easily equaled by factory Mil spec rifles and pumped out Ammo

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Come to East North Carolina & we can shoot 308, 338, 50 BMG & see. Bring your bench rest guns, I’ve had several show up with their wildcat hi power loads & their special equipment. It still comes down to trigger control, recoil management, Dope.
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is this what your talking about:


UPDATE effective 10/08/2014
Light Gun Heavy Gun Unlimited GunHunter - Prone
Single Target Group
Dale Arenson
2.178” - 5/24/2013
Lee Rasmussen
1.955" - 7/4/2009
Patrick Bieck
2.045" - 8/31/2014
Sheri Rasmussen
2.992" - 6/01/2008
Single Target High Score
Lynn McMurdo
50-5x - 7/6/2002
Lee Rasmussen
50-5x - 8/18/2007
Bryan McCann
50-5x - 10/15/2005
Sheri Rasmussen
50-5x - 6/01/2008
Six Target Agg
Mark Avakian
5.823" - 7/4/2009
Lee Rasmussen
5.177" - 7/6/2013
Lee Rasmussen
5.281'' - 7/6//2013
Lee Rasmussen
7.406" - 7/5/2007

View attachment 7354894

thats not what my AR-50 looked like lol....pics or it didnt happen
There’s a huge difference between 2-3” groups and 3-6” groups. Like I said, come to East NC & prove me wrong.
Come to East North Carolina & we can shoot 308, 338, 50 BMG & see. Bring your bench rest guns, I’ve had several show up with their wildcat hi power loads & their special equipment. It still comes down to trigger control, recoil management, Dope.

it does come down to the Indian often.

All joking aside I’d love to see some velocity and shot you getting from the factory stuff.
back when I was shooting it was 5 gallon pail at 1000 because of vertical
There’s a huge difference between 2-3” groups and 3-6” groups. Like I said, come to East NC & prove me wrong.

3-6” groups would win a garage full of trophies.

You are basically asserting you’re one of the best shooters in the world and you do it consistently with factory ammo.
3-6” groups would win a garage full of trophies.

You are basically asserting you’re one of the best shooters in the world and you do it consistently with factory ammo.


Well at the 2019 FCSA World Championships he would have pretty much easily won EVERYTHING...



Along with winning this match:

And this one:

And this one close by his house:

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Theis, if you shot you're rifle as much as you keyboard stroke, you'd know this isn't BS.
There's a huge difference in shooting X's in competition, groups off bench rest platforms and shooting on a personal range.
One is familiar range and bullet behavior. But you may not understand that.
I also didn't claim every group I shot is 3-6", but it's not uncommon to be in that range in the right conditions. Light, wind, environment.
You getting your excitement form calling me a liar without knowing me is why the world is fucked up right now.
You don't understand the full picture, you're taking one part of it & trying to act like a know it all.
Why don't you practice some & come to NC & outshoot me and then get on here & run your mouth.
Theis, if you shot you're rifle as much as you keyboard stroke, you'd know this isn't BS.
There's a huge difference in shooting X's in competition, groups off bench rest platforms and shooting on a personal range.
One is familiar range and bullet behavior. But you may not understand that.
I also didn't claim every group I shot is 3-6", but it's not uncommon to be in that range in the right conditions. Light, wind, environment.
You getting your excitement form calling me a liar without knowing me is why the world is fucked up right now.
You don't understand the full picture, you're taking one part of it & trying to act like a know it all.
Why don't you practice some & come to NC & outshoot me and then get on here & run your mouth.

If you’re just aiming at a spot and letting the group form wherever the environment shows......no one cares.

You can determine a rifle’s accuracy at 100yds.
I agree with you, once you shoot a few rounds on any given day, simple adjustments can be made to be on target center, you don't have that luxury in competition. Also, shooting when it's your turn and keeping on the X isn't as easy.

Also, the custom equipment like Theis sells, gets you 2x's more accurate than a production, but we're talking from 6" to 3", there's a great gap in the equipment to have that accuracy difference. We can all agree on that. There's also a great cost difference.