Looking for 1k+ range(s) near Western Kentucky


Mar 12, 2023
Just wondering if there are any ranges that have at least 1k range. I have reached out to about 800 yards and want to go farther but from what I have seen on most ranges listed in Google, 300yd is the max. Thanks for any help!
Western Kentucky

Unless something has changed, there isn’t really much other than private land around there unless you go towards Lexington. I lived in Eddyville for most of my life but not for 10 years or so. Beautiful area. Good luck 👍🏻
The only thing I know of is Dead Zero shooting center. I think its 3 hrs away and has electronic targets out to 1k. I have been told there is a Srategic edge in Chapel Hill TN that goes to 1K , but i'm not sure on it I just seen it mentioned in a post a few days ago. I am lucky, we have 3k yrds in the winter but in the summer I have nothing over 400 till I shoot a comp.
The only thing I know of is Dead Zero shooting center. I think its 3 hrs away and has electronic targets out to 1k. I have been told there is a Srategic edge in Chapel Hill TN that goes to 1K , but i'm not sure on it I just seen it mentioned in a post a few days ago. I am lucky, we have 3k yrds in the winter but in the summer I have nothing over 400 till I shoot a comp.
Strategic Edge goes to 1250 but has a 2 year wait list. I've heard of people getting in quicker now, especially if they're long distance members (> 75 miles away)