Looking for 30-40 Brass, anyone use these companies?


Old Salt
Full Member
Mar 26, 2019
Looking for some 30-40 Krag brass....not really the main focus of this board, but anyone here likely reloads, so you guys might do business with these guys. We all know the state of the world today, and we are using some online companies we have never used before. We also know there are companies that scam folks looking for things.

Basic question, has anyone used these companies before?

These folk say they have it, when my normal sources don't....Including Graf's and some of the brass here are theirs.

Looking for info, thanks.
Never heard of any of them but a good way to figure out if they are legit or not is to google the company with "legit?" or "reviews". Another test is to add the items to your cart and checkout. If they ask for a credit card they are probably legit and you can always refuse the charge on your card. If they ask for Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, Money Order only they are a scam.
Worse comes to worse you can make it from .303 British cases, the neck will be a little short, and the rim is slightly smaller, but it works in a pinch.


Thanks for the replies, and I had a feeling they are not cool but in your desire to find what you need sometimes you tune out that little voice in the back of your head....I will stick with the guys I always use, Graf is more or less "local" to me. I will just give them a call.

I have some 303, but that brass.....heck all brass is just hard to get. If I could do it out of something I have buckets of then I would, but with only a few hundred 303, I will just keep hunting.

Wonder who makes Graf's brass.
If they ask for Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, Money Order only they are a scam.
THIS!!!! I wish more people understood this. Once all the shortages started happening its crazy how many fake gun/ammo sites popped up. They mysteriously always have hard to find items "in stock" (often at good or great prices) but have unconventional payment options. If it seems too good to be true, it is!