Re: Looking for a glass penetrating round...
In 308, the Federal Trophy Bonded was 1.5-2.0moa when we tested it a couple of years ago. Black Hills Accubond was more like 1.0moa and Horady Bonded was almost the same as the TAP rounds at about .5-.75.
All of the match (ie:non-bonded) no matter what weight, sucked on glass. Jacket and core separation, bullet breaking in half were common. While damaging, the amount of penetration and flight path deviation is way too unpredictable for many applications.
If you are LE, contact Buford Boone at FBI Quantico. Good guy, fountain of ballistic info. They have a data file on sniper ammo that is constantly tested and updated. If you send in a letterhead request, uncle sugar will send your agency a copy for free.
+1 on contacting the ASA as well.