I've just recently finished my first precision based rifle. I "think" i've done a good job at it...
Over the past few weekends i've made a few trips to the local range and shot it at 100 yards. The best I could achieve were 1 to 1.5 MOA groups. Based on what I built I would like to have done a bit better. Initially I gave all fault to user error as that is the cause 99% of the time.
During my trips i've met and made a few friends at the local range and gotten some good advice but our ideals for our rifles are a bit different. They are purely bench rest shooters and have nice setups for that purpose and that purpose alone. I did not build a bench rest rifle but that is the avenue that I have to test the system so I have been shooting under those conditions but would like to know if given my current hardware and conditions if i've reached my limits.
I am a bit lost as there seem to be too many variables.
<span style="font-weight: bold">First - Ammo:</span>
I have seen first hand that this is a big deal (bigger than I originally thought). I had some 75gr Black Hills (blue box) hollow point ammo and could not get anything better than ~1.6 MOA. As I got ready to pack up and leave, I started chatting with another shooter. He had a very nice bench rest setup and we switched 10 rounds as well as shot each others rifle's.
The results were the same, I shot great sub MOA groups with his rifle and a much tighter group with his ammo, while his rifle did not do well with my ammo as neither did mine. He was shooting Ultra Max 55 gr V-Max ammo. which according to him is cheap ammo by name and reputation.
Right after I purchase some 60 gr Black Hills (blue box) V-Max ammo. Best I can get with this 1 MOA but average is about 1.3...
Plan to get some other ammo from other manufacturers to figure out what works best but before I do so I would like some other questions answered first...
<span style="font-weight: bold">Second - Bipod:</span>
I am using a Harris Bipod with the swivel head on an Arms throw lever adapter, basically it can lean left or right. Seems like a good thing to have but i've received some pointers on it and have been told that will give me trouble, given that it can lean and that will throw me off a bit.
<span style="font-weight: bold">Third - Optic:</span>
I am using an SWFA-SS 3x9 and understand very well that this is not the best bench shooting optic but I figured it should be good enough to test the rifle at 100 yards. Obviously my bench rest shooting friends recommend much more magnification.
While I am not second guessing or downplaying the advice I have received, I am looking for a few more pointers and advice. Basically you do not buy a car after reading one review or talking to one person...
While I am sure it is user error and the fact that I have only put ~250 rounds down range with this particular rifle, I would like to make sure the hardware is fine before sending more rounds down range; wasting ammo. Or that I am at least on the right path first.
Other than the ammo which I know I need to figure out, what else could prove to be a hinderance other than me...?
I wonder as I have receive a lot of compliments on the rifle as well as my shooting from other shooters; both beginners and experts. (I have no proof that these experts are what they claim or any way to verify their claims but I have no place to question another mans words). For some reason they think I am some kind of expert or at least pretty good while I have done my best not to give that off as it would be false, they think i'm being humble when I tell them I am new to shooting, which I am.
Or am I concentrating too much on the groups...?
<span style="font-weight: bold">I have also shot at half inch dots in an effort to psyche myself out and achieve better groups but get the same results. </span>
Any advice, recommendations or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Specs on rifle: http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2486012
I've just recently finished my first precision based rifle. I "think" i've done a good job at it...
Over the past few weekends i've made a few trips to the local range and shot it at 100 yards. The best I could achieve were 1 to 1.5 MOA groups. Based on what I built I would like to have done a bit better. Initially I gave all fault to user error as that is the cause 99% of the time.
During my trips i've met and made a few friends at the local range and gotten some good advice but our ideals for our rifles are a bit different. They are purely bench rest shooters and have nice setups for that purpose and that purpose alone. I did not build a bench rest rifle but that is the avenue that I have to test the system so I have been shooting under those conditions but would like to know if given my current hardware and conditions if i've reached my limits.
I am a bit lost as there seem to be too many variables.
<span style="font-weight: bold">First - Ammo:</span>
I have seen first hand that this is a big deal (bigger than I originally thought). I had some 75gr Black Hills (blue box) hollow point ammo and could not get anything better than ~1.6 MOA. As I got ready to pack up and leave, I started chatting with another shooter. He had a very nice bench rest setup and we switched 10 rounds as well as shot each others rifle's.
The results were the same, I shot great sub MOA groups with his rifle and a much tighter group with his ammo, while his rifle did not do well with my ammo as neither did mine. He was shooting Ultra Max 55 gr V-Max ammo. which according to him is cheap ammo by name and reputation.
Right after I purchase some 60 gr Black Hills (blue box) V-Max ammo. Best I can get with this 1 MOA but average is about 1.3...
Plan to get some other ammo from other manufacturers to figure out what works best but before I do so I would like some other questions answered first...
<span style="font-weight: bold">Second - Bipod:</span>
I am using a Harris Bipod with the swivel head on an Arms throw lever adapter, basically it can lean left or right. Seems like a good thing to have but i've received some pointers on it and have been told that will give me trouble, given that it can lean and that will throw me off a bit.
<span style="font-weight: bold">Third - Optic:</span>
I am using an SWFA-SS 3x9 and understand very well that this is not the best bench shooting optic but I figured it should be good enough to test the rifle at 100 yards. Obviously my bench rest shooting friends recommend much more magnification.
While I am not second guessing or downplaying the advice I have received, I am looking for a few more pointers and advice. Basically you do not buy a car after reading one review or talking to one person...
While I am sure it is user error and the fact that I have only put ~250 rounds down range with this particular rifle, I would like to make sure the hardware is fine before sending more rounds down range; wasting ammo. Or that I am at least on the right path first.
Other than the ammo which I know I need to figure out, what else could prove to be a hinderance other than me...?
I wonder as I have receive a lot of compliments on the rifle as well as my shooting from other shooters; both beginners and experts. (I have no proof that these experts are what they claim or any way to verify their claims but I have no place to question another mans words). For some reason they think I am some kind of expert or at least pretty good while I have done my best not to give that off as it would be false, they think i'm being humble when I tell them I am new to shooting, which I am.
Or am I concentrating too much on the groups...?
<span style="font-weight: bold">I have also shot at half inch dots in an effort to psyche myself out and achieve better groups but get the same results. </span>
Any advice, recommendations or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Specs on rifle: http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2486012