Looking for a Night Vision Rail for a Ruger 10/22 Target rifle


Full Member
Oct 7, 2011
I picked up a KRG Bravo 10/22 Chassis and put their NV mount on. While it works the entire system is just to bulky for my end use and does not get the clip on close enough to the day scope.

I have inquired in a few other places a while back with no luck. Does anyone know of an extended rail that is long enough that can hold a scope and a night vision clip on. Something similar to a MARS or MIRS rail for the Rem 700 but that could work for a Ruger 10/22.

I tried a company in PA for just a simple extended pic rail but they no longer do custom rails.

It is mounted in reverse but given the clip on is a KAC UNS-SR and the day optic is only a 1-6 the gap is more than I desire.