Looking for help with 10/22 jamming issue


Full Member
Jul 8, 2013
I've recently completed my first 10/22 build. When I first got tge stick rifle it would fail to feed rarely with the factory 10rd mag. It was more common with the butler creek 25rd and usually took place during the first five shots fired from a full magazine. Every time it jams it cuts a half circle groove in the nose of the bullet. I didn't worry about it much at first because I was planning on replacing the barrel anyway and I thought that would fix it. Since then I have replaced the barrel, picked up a BX-25, and switched from hollow point to the round nosed Winchester M-22 and the problem still happens. I have also replaced the stock and the trigger, but that should be irrelevant. The gun shoots very well and has become one of my favorites but I can't figure this problem out. Any help is appreciated.
Every time it jams it cuts a half circle groove in the nose of the bullet

Next time it jams, before you extract, check to see if the round is jamming high (top of breech)
or is it sitting low (bottom of breech). That half circle cut is the indicator. Jamming in my old 10/22
was caused by lead buildup on the feed ramp, or a misaligned magazine due to GSR buildup
in the mag well, caused by blow back.