I have always tried different powders for any given bullet, trying to find that magic powder that has a velocity increase, with no pressure signs, is super accurate, clean, and temperature insensitive. Almost always it ends up being another pound of powder on the shelf that shoots pretty much the same as the last I was shooting. Do others have pounds of IMR 4350, H4350, AA4350, RL17, RL19(or groups of other similar powders) on there shelves? I believe my experimenting stage is over and I'm gonna get an 8 pound jug of one and use it for everything and quit chasing a myth. By the time I use a pound of any given powder, and replace it, the new one is from a different lot and shoots a little different anyhow. My latest was buying RL17 to try and get better than IMR 4350 that was shooting wonderfully, velocities were less, and accracy was different, not worse, but took some seating depth adjustment for some reason. Too many other variables to try and cover them with a powder selection.
Anyone else chase for THE miracle powder besides me???
Anyone else chase for THE miracle powder besides me???