looking to convert LR-308 DPMS gen 1 .308 barrel to 6.5 prc


Jan 11, 2023

I have LR-308 DPMS gen 1 in .308 caliber gun and I'd like to convert it to 6.5 PRC. It is really difficult to find 6.5 PRC upper or 6.5 PRC barrel and BCG.
Ideally, I'd like to just get new upper but if there is no other way, then replace my .308 barrel and BCG.

I am looking for suggestions where I can find either option (complete 6.5 PRC upper or 6.5 PRC barrel and BCG).

Thank you in advance!

I have LR-308 DPMS gen 1 in .308 caliber gun and I'd like to convert it to 6.5 PRC. It is really difficult to find 6.5 PRC upper or 6.5 PRC barrel and BCG.
Ideally, I'd like to just get new upper but if there is no other way, then replace my .308 barrel and BCG.

I am looking for suggestions where I can find either option (complete 6.5 PRC upper or 6.5 PRC barrel and BCG).

Thank you in advance!
You can't chamber a 6.5 PRC in an Large Frame AR due to the size of the bolt face.

.470 is for .308/6.5CM

6.5 PRC is .540
I found this

That's a Bolt Action Upper the snaps on to a Large Frame Lower, it's not an AR it's a Bolt Rifle
Yeah I know just something that came up when I searched, it’s probably the best option if the op wanted to keep some similarities with an ar based rifle
Cartridge OAL will be a problem unless you intend on single feeding with a Bob Sled. There are 1 or 2 loads that should fit in a max length mag. LR magnum bolts for 300WSM should work, they have a 0.535" bolt face. Barrel would be custom, but not all that difficult.
ETA: X-Caliber has just recently added 6.5 PRC chambers to their LR-308/DPMS barrel line-up.
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Thank you all for your help. It sounds like bolt action rifle is the best way forward for 6.5 PRC. Do you have any suggestions for good 6.5 PRC bolt action for about $1500? The budget can go up little bit if there is really good solution on the market
Thank you all for your help. It sounds like bolt action rifle is the best way forward for 6.5 PRC. Do you have any suggestions for good 6.5 PRC bolt action for about $1500? The budget can go up little bit if there is really good solution on the market


The Ruger can be found in your budget, but I'd recommend the Seekins if you can pay the extra, there's a few on GunBroker under 2K

I have LR-308 DPMS gen 1 in .308 caliber gun and I'd like to convert it to 6.5 PRC. It is really difficult to find 6.5 PRC upper or 6.5 PRC barrel and BCG.
Ideally, I'd like to just get new upper but if there is no other way, then replace my .308 barrel and BCG.

I am looking for suggestions where I can find either option (complete 6.5 PRC upper or 6.5 PRC barrel and BCG).

Thank you in advance!

Just out of curiosity, why do you have such a hard-on for the PRC??? Do you really think you'll be shooting at distances to justify it over the 6.5CM??

Whatever you choose I'd recommend buying a rifle you can purchase prefit barrels for and change yourself because barrel life on the PRC isn't the greatest.
Just out of curiosity, why do you have such a hard-on for the PRC??? Do you really think you'll be shooting at distances to justify it over the 6.5CM??

Whatever you choose I'd recommend buying a rifle you can purchase prefit barrels for and change yourself because barrel life on the PRC isn't the greatest.
Ballistic profile of 6.5 PRC caught my attention and I am just exploring what it would take to get one. Thank you for barrel advice, I'll definitely make sure I can swap barrels easily.
Start looking at projectiles in different calibers and run ballistics to see how fast each needs to be pushed (and what cartridge that would require) to equal another's windage... it should highlight the give and take re: ballistics/component life/costs/recoil etc. and lead you to the most efficient choice for your application.
I called GA precision when 6.5 prc first came out to see if they could turn my Gap10 G2 from them into a 6.5 PRC. They said it can't be done because of the bolt face size limit.
If you want to do it you will probably need to get one of the 338 laupa/norma mag ARs (Like a SWORD MK18) that has a 585 bolt face then have a custom machined bolt face for the BCG with a 540 bolt face to fit it. Then you can call up a company that can make custom AR barrels. I know Caddrock can do it because they made new barrels for my SWORD MK 18 before. But between the $8k rifle, $2K barrel, + the machining for the new bolt face you're gonna have well over $10k tided up in making it.
Lot of work. I personally decided to just make a 6.5 PRC bolt gun instead plus you have 2 guns instead of 1.

For a target bolt gun in the $1,500 range I would go with a Bergara B-14 HMR for $1,000 and put the other $500 towards the optic.
What is this madness built in Wyoming? More info needed.
This is my own design. I've got a small CNC shop and type 7 FFL and spent the last several months modeling up a receiver (mainly because I just really wanted one). I've opened up the bolt face to .54 and modified the extractor in order to except the larger rims. I also wanted a more reliable magazine, so I designed it to work with a AICS short action mag. So far, the gun chambered in 300 WSM feeds great, though I'm still messing with the tuning to get it as perfect as possible. I have a 6.5 PRC barrel, so once I get the rest of the parts I'm going to test that one as well. I'm expecting to to work similar to 300 WSM, but we'll see.