Loss of Accuracy with Folding Stock?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jul 20, 2012
A question for you gents. I am about to embark on my first E.L.R. rifle build. I have decided on the ACIS 2.0 chassis for my Remington 700 in 338 LM. Have any of you noticed a decrease in accuracy or repeatability in the folding stock compared to the fixed stock? Logic would stand that because there is a moving part in the middle of the stock, there could be a chance for the mechanism to have some play in it, or develop play after some time taking the recoil from a 338. In your experience, does this happen, and how much does it effect your accuracy at E.L.R.?
Thanks for the replies y'all. Thrusty, this is why I'm looking at the ACIS 2.0. This will be my second precision rifle build, after my FTR gun, and I learned the "buy once cry once" bit the first time around. Graham, I may try that, just to see how good the JP eliminator break functions.
I have the newer generation 2.0 (just looks a bit different pretty much). Locks up rock solid. Accuracy is 1/4 moa in this stock and 1/4 moa in my other stock. The thing locks up really really solid....almost too much so.

Get the CIP length while you are at it. You wont regret it.

Now with solid bullets the CIP mags are still short. Desert tactical 4" mags are my favorite friend.