An odd thing happened this weekend. 2 weeks ago 3 of us were checking 0, two RPR and a B14r. The temperature was around 35* at about 1800 feet above sea level (didn’t check humidity) and all 3 of us were spot on from 25 -200 yards. This Sunday we all went to a match but got there late so we didn’t have time to shoot the sight in target. The temperature was about 65* at around 500 feet above sea level with humidity around 60%. One RPR and the B14r were hitting 1/4” targets on the first stage at 50 yards but the 2nd RPR missed everything. Same thing on 2nd stage so the R O told him to go to the sight in target to see what was going on. He was hitting 1.3 Mil high and .7 Mil right (both days had a light cross wind). After he got things straightened out the rest of the day went well. The ammo was all from the same lot number and I know no one messed with it because it was in a case at my house ever since we shot last. It’s topped with a Burris XTR in vortex rings. Any idea what would cause this? At this point the guy lost all faith in his rifle.