Movie Theater Lost in Socialist Space, Netflix space turd drama.


MSgt USAF ret.
Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Has anyone else been watching this socialist shit epic? Fucktards in Space, dear God it is a pile of socialist shit.

Here's the plot; An object crashes into the earth and finally creates the "climate change" every leftist asswipe has been predicting since 1969. Turns out it is a spaceship. The leftists enslave the pilot and use the ship to make another ship to fly assholes who meet their special socialist asshole qualities test to Alpha Centouri to live in a new socialist asshole world. All the while, the actual truth is hidden by a willing media and leftist government officials. Of course the turds proctoring the test accept bribes and graft to allow your friends and relatives to accompany you. Anything you can provide to allow their egomaniac leaders to consolidate power or enslave others is accepted as payment.

The Robinson family has enough assholes to qualify for some sort of program where they randomly give a family of assholes a space ship and the fly around space being socialists. You can't have a gun, no frigging way. Good luck owning a god damned knife too. Most ships are ran by women or gays or some minority with a really high opinion of themselves and their shitty ideas. No fucking way you get beef, hamburgers or Doritos and no plastic straws either. You do get a piece of shit electric car. When they land and start strip mining or drilling on random planets, it never occurs to any of them to watch for germs, bacteria or diseases unknown to earth borne assholes.

Dissent is not tolerated, it can land you in jail or being left to die. People with skilled trades, mechanics, electricians and various repairmen are basically slaves. They are treated like slaves and allowed to fly back and forth to Utopia and fix the crap the assholes break or build assholes houses, but they are not allowed to live there or given any respect. Why? Because if you did not take the smart socialist asshole test and get are a dreg, only existing to clean the toilets of their party masters.

The socialist overlords are abusing the robots they capture and enslave to fly their ships. In the minds of socialists, anything they deem inferior, even god damned interstellar robots who have colonized entire planets is to be abused, tortured and enslaved for the "greater good". When socialist fucktards land on random planets they instantly start exploiting them, destroying the environment and stealing the water and minerals with no regard for the local flora or fauna. They murder robots and use their body parts to power their ships and enslave them to fly the ships and they generally do not give two shits about the environment as long as exploiting it, enriches them.

Above all, if their party masters tell the "colonists" to turn on one another, they all gladly do so in order to improve their position in the new Utopian society by proving their loyalty to the state is greater than family, friendship and the truth. Everyone is subjected to the rules of a typical police state, only goons and party masters are armed, no one has the right to self defense and there is no due process. Everyone is monitored, watched and all of their private thoughts are used to exploit them or blackmail them into compliance with the overlords orders. Threats, extortion, blackmail, lies and various KGB tactics are the stock and trade of the party overlords.

Watching shit like this makes you hope for a quick end to the human race. I'm rooting for the robots to kill everyone and then vaporize the earth.
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You triggered, bro? I think it's just a fucking shitty ass show with bad logic in every storyline, if you're picking out pro-socialist aspects I think that's what it is. Just another flavor of fucking stupid. I skipped through a ton of it because it was just so unsufferably goddamn boring, and the people are all borderline legally fucking retarded. Lost in Space used to be one of those good for the whole family things, but they concentrated too much on all the kids. They have kids falling out of the fucking air vents there are so many motherfucking kids with storylines I do not give a single shit about whatsoever except Will Robinson and his sister. It's like they spent extra time on distinguishing the kid characters from each other, but it just made them all seem more the same and mostly irrelevant.

I too am rooting for the robots to slaughter literally every last person, though. Goddamn that show fucking blows, but I think it's just dumb as shit.
I didn't just hate the socialist aspects of this turd epic, but the other shit would have made the post really long.

They used the Star Wars trash compactor gag, seriously? They used the Star Trek, million miles of random fucking tunnels on a space ship where every god damned square inch is precious gag to death. They use the any retard can fly a spaceship gag to death.

A 18 y/o "doctor"? Are you kidding? No actual medical looking anything in the med bay anyway. Get impaled on rebar, slap on a Band Aid and an IV bag and you are golden.

Asshole kids so fucking smart they qualify for space flight have to go to school.............................seriously?

A ship with 500 geniuses on it and not a fucking one of them can do even a basic water quality test or change a tire.

At least Kirk got laid all the time, these people are one step from landing the glory hole bathroom module on every planet.

And Pedro, the chicken loving smuggler. Why is he a problem for management? Literally he is in outer frigging space, weight is meaningless, so who gives a shit if he brings cigars, chocolate, plastic straws, whiskey or skin mags to peddle to colonists? If the earth had the willingness to built an aircraft carrier sized space ship in outer space, they got the cost per pound of hauling material into space down to a buck a pound. Your primary concern is volume of cargo, so a guy bring 2 cu ft of personal goods ,liquor, smokes, dope or whatever as long as it is not hazardous is utterly irrelevant.

Unless you are a stinking socialist and worried sick some people will have luxury items the socialist elite do not have because the un-entitled members of society earned something to barter for luxury goods. This is utterly intolerable for a society based on leftist ideals of hate and envy. Therefore, unapproved items are only allowed for the declared elite or the new society.

So socialists elitists are invading a neighboring galaxy, they bring their version of society. A mixture of 80 genders, sexual deviants, an assortment of cultures most of whom secretly dislike one another and will not willingly intermingle. You manage to get 20,000 people to a planet larger than earth, one division of soldiers. None of them are armed, most of them are cowards, then ones vaguely male are cuckolded and have less testosterone than 8 y/o boys. They are not inclined to reproduce because they are 50% homosexual and they will never have a birth rate high enough to create a viable growing society. In 100 years how many will be left living? Do you think a hundred ships of angry robots will let them survive?

Let's face it, rooting for the robots is the smart move, maybe Will and Penny will survive and teach the robots how to sort thru human flotsam and rescue decent humans.
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Overall the show is fairly well made. It started out a lot better than the new season though. I simply can't stand how stupid some of the super-intelligent engineers can be at times or how much of a whiny little bitch Will Robinson is.

The robot is cool though!
My God man, thank you for this review. I honestly was contemplating changing parties and voting Bernie next year. Really folks, its fiction, science fiction. Probably has some China influence. I am not changing a single political or social outlook because of this. It does, however, fit perfectly into my whiskey drinking time right before bed, during which there is nothing on but the news, which ACTUALLY does piss me off.
Just saying.
Has anyone else been watching this socialist shit epic? Fucktards in Space, dear God it is a pile of socialist shit.

Here's the plot; An object crashes into the earth and finally creates the "climate change" every leftist asswipe has been predicting since 1969. Turns out it is a spaceship. The leftists enslave the pilot and use the ship to make another ship to fly assholes who meet their special socialist asshole qualities test to Alpha Centouri to live in a new socialist asshole world. All the while, the actual truth is hidden by a willing media and leftist government officials. Of course the turds proctoring the test accept bribes and graft to allow your friends and relatives to accompany you. Anything you can provide to allow their egomaniac leaders to consolidate power or enslave others is accepted as payment.

The Robinson family has enough assholes to qualify for some sort of program where they randomly give a family of assholes a space ship and the fly around space being socialists. You can't have a gun, no frigging way. Good luck owning a god damned knife too. Most ships are ran by women or gays or some minority with a really high opinion of themselves and their shitty ideas. No fucking way you get beef, hamburgers or Doritos and no plastic straws either. You do get a piece of shit electric car. When they land and start strip mining or drilling on random planets, it never occurs to any of them to watch for germs, bacteria or diseases unknown to earth borne assholes.

Dissent is not tolerated, it can land you in jail or being left to die. People with skilled trades, mechanics, electricians and various repairmen are basically slaves. They are treated like slaves and allowed to fly back and forth to Utopia and fix the crap the assholes break or build assholes houses, but they are not allowed to live there or given any respect. Why? Because if you did not take the smart socialist asshole test and get are a dreg, only existing to clean the toilets of their party masters.

The socialist overlords are abusing the robots they capture and enslave to fly their ships. In the minds of socialists, anything they deem inferior, even god damned interstellar robots who have colonized entire planets is to be abused, tortured and enslaved for the "greater good". When socialist fucktards land on random planets they instantly start exploiting them, destroying the environment and stealing the water and minerals with no regard for the local flora or fauna. They murder robots and use their body parts to power their ships and enslave them to fly the ships and they generally do not give two shits about the environment as long as exploiting it, enriches them.

Above all, if their party masters tell the "colonists" to turn on one another, they all gladly do so in order to improve their position in the new Utopian society by proving their loyalty to the state is greater than family, friendship and the truth. Everyone is subjected to the rules of a typical police state, only goons and party masters are armed, no one has the right to self defense and there is no due process. Everyone is monitored, watched and all of their private thoughts are used to exploit them or blackmail them into compliance with the overlords orders. Threats, extortion, blackmail, lies and various KGB tactics are the stock and trade of the party overlords.

Watching shit like this makes you hope for a quick end to the human race. I'm rooting for the robots to kill everyone and then vaporize the earth.

damn, I wish netflix still allowed people to write movie reviews.
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While this show is a socialist shit epic, I really like the woman who plays mom, Molly Parker. I think she is frigging hot and if I was writing the show it would be called, "Lost in Spunk". I'd have air locked a large selection of assholes, packed a lot more steak, lobster, chocolate, whiskey, wine and candles and proceeded to test my theories on weightless sex.

And the gun locker would be well stocked for those times when you have to lay down the law on other planets.
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We cancelled netflix. Whatever is remaining is our last month. We have small children and almost every show has a gay theme. I personally don't care who fucks who, but I am not explaining that to my 4 year old.

We are left with Disneyplus and Youtube. We gave cable up a few years ago and do not intend to go back.