LRP vs SRP 308 brass


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Aug 12, 2024
Will be loading for 308 out of a gas gun soon. Starline offers SRP brass and thats easier to find in primers for me and would keep it simple buttttt it may only fit bolt guns. Is there a difference between the two loading for a AR10 only. If LRP is only option i will start searching for them. Tyvm for the info
Will be loading for 308 out of a gas gun soon. Starline offers SRP brass and thats easier to find in primers for me and would keep it simple buttttt it may only fit bolt guns. Is there a difference between the two loading for a AR10 only. If LRP is only option i will start searching for them. Tyvm for the info
If you're going to us SRP's in your gas gun, make sure you use those that are designed for gas guns . . . like CCI 41's that have thicker cups to resist slam firings. You don't want to the likes of CCI-400's or Federal's SRP's as their cups are too thin. Other's that'll probably work for you are the CCI-450 or BR-4's and the Remington 7 1/2's as they have thicker cups.

Note too, for .308 loads, SRP case and primers work fine with most powders, but can be an issue if the using the cartridges in cold cold climate. In my bolt gun, they're worked just fine for me in temperatures above 50°F.
Awesome info and temps shouldnt be a issue but will load both srp and lrp for the knowledge and info. I have 450 and maybe a brick of 7 1/2. No 41 primers at all but i have Ginex srp and heard they fit tight in the promer pockets. I am not sure if they are closer to #41's. With the firing pin I didnt know about that so I will measure it for sure when it arrives. Looking for the .062 and not the .085ish. Is there a difference with AR15 firing pin sizes also. I will look into it after tree work from the snow and ice we got.