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M 24 Advanced Sniper Accessory kit?


MSgt USAF ret.
Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Pacific Northwest
I'll post pics in a day or two of what I have left. During the Iraq War a friend from Picatinny Arsenal sent me a box of goodies that were intended to go along with a M24 rifle when the shooter deployed. I had helped him when they were evaluating problems with some of those shitty Check Mate magazines that chronically failed when used in M9 pistols. This was before 2010 for sure.

So the box of junk included a bunch of canvas gear, including a nice Eagle rifle case that I have been using to haul my guns to the field for years, a kill flash that is on one of my rifles and a sling and new Harris bipod that are on my M24 Rebuild from Remington back when they were available. There was a manual vane wind meter, a cleaning kit, a Mil-dot Master and a marked M24 snipers log.

So I have a question for anyone who would know. Is there any information on this stuff? It did not seem particularly rare at the time, but as time passes it might be a thing.
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So I have a question for anyone who would know. Is there any information on this stuff? It did not seem particularly rare at the time, but as time passes it might be a thing.
Because the M24 was used for such a long time, circa 1988/89 until 2010 or so, pieces of the kit changed, and accessories were added in the 200Xs, which were not issued in the earlier days. Anything that was issued with an M24 will have some value, even if it's just a Mil-Dot Master. That M24 snipers log book you mentioned is something I and many others would love to have for our M24R kits. Original cleaning kits are nice too.

Here's just one example of how the items changed over time. I got my M24R back in 2015 and mounted a Harris bipod, fixed head, 9-13" legs. I showed it to a local buddy who went through US Army sniper school in 2009 and was issued an M24 during his tour in Afghanistan. He loved the rifle, but laughed at the bipod set-up and said something like "Man, you need to get rid of that old-school bipod and get the shorter version with a swivel head and a K-pod Loc." He went on to say that the original Harris bipods from the late 1980s-into the 1990s were too high if one really wanted to get into a low prone positions. He said the M24s he was issued used the lower (6-9" BR) Harris bipod with a swivel head circa 2009. Same goes for the cleaning kits, and other small items that changed over that two decade history. I still have that "old school" bipod as it is what the foam was cut for - as seen below.

Here are some M24 accessories that were issued in the 200Xs, towards the end of the M24's service life (can't recall what year goes with this image). To collectors w/ M24Rs, all of these are nice to have items. Esp the Eagle drag bag, which has been long discontinued. (Mine has deteriorated somewhat).


I spent a few years hunting down items from 2015-2018, but there are still a few things I would like to have. Again, M24 kit has some collector value.
M24R w Deployment items1.jpg
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I was issued the ASAK in 2004 and the bipod was a Harris swivel BR but didn't have a pod loc on it. The data book that came with it was a standard US Tactical Supplu TRGT data book too.

I guess later kits got the TIS sling, which would've been nice compared to the leather M1907. I still have the data book and Eagle scope and crown cover I was issued.
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I'll take a couple of pictures, the data book has M24 printed on the outside and there is a random bag in the box as well that is not pictured. I do have the flash hider, I opened the bag but still have the bag. We had a five gallon bucket of those things and it was used for holding open the door. I didn't have an M24 when I saw them and threw one in my gear bag. I figured they were heading to scrap or DRMO.

When we got our ASAKs there wasn't really any guidance on how to use the stuff, they basically just said "here, Merry Christmas". Anywhere except the range I didn't really like the Eagle HSRC, it was huge, floppy, and did a lot of things but none of them super well. I used the scope and crown cover as much as I could but what would've been tits back in the day was a TAB Gear rifle cover.

On patrol my M24 would be stowed in the HSRC next to me in the passenger seat with the SC cover on and sand sock inside. Since space was at a premium I never ran the accessory pouches on it and when we dismounted the HSRC stayed behind in the truck. On the front of my chest rig I ran that Eagle foldable 20 round ammo holder but if I remember correctly they weren't really set up for MOLLE, I think they had velcro loops in the back. Anyway, that along with five more on elastic loops I'd sewn into the flap of my TT GP pouch gave me 25 round additional rounds on my person for the gun. I also carried an M4 and I had mags for those set up on my left side.

Since no one really showed us anything about the stuff, when I mounted up the stock pack, I wasn't sure what the flappy thing in the back was for so I left it off lol. It never slid around on me or anything and I can't remember if I really kept anything inside the pouch. If I did it may have just been a couple wrenches or lens pen.

I loved the Otis cleaning kit that came with the ASAK, I packed it in my ruck on every mission along with the Seekonk wrench and a couple other tools from the D-box, it wasn't perfect but it was capable and compact. To this day I pack a kit in my gear based on an Otis sniper cleaning kit and some other tools to handle most situations.

Looking at that layout brings back some memories, thank you.
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