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M40 clone build


Lord, make me fast and accurate.
Full Member
  • Jan 25, 2018
    Hello all,

    Got an itch to have a M40 clone shooter.

    -Vietnam era 6 digit receiver
    -ADL stock with checkering and finish removed. Hand rubbed oil finish applied
    -Old BDL style bottom metal inleted, refinished, and bedded and then beat up alittle to look the part.
    -Shilen barrel with the correct profile ( because I had it on the shelf )
    Tuned the old trigger 2 lb pull
    "66" Redfield rings and base

    The scope is an old 3X9 Accu-Range that I stripped and then shot with a flat O.D. green clear that I mixed up at my brother in law's body shop.

    I left certain areas darker to add the illusion of age.

    Anyway she shoots lights out. Just took her out to 740 yards on some steel the other night.

    I would love to see everyone else's projects.

    Thanks to the Hide for all of the great content and the good group of guys and gals on here.

    Kind Regards,


    400 yards


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    Very nice! I have all of the parts to have one built but haven't sent it off yet. I'm going to have the same guy that did my m40a3 build do it. Looking forward to seeing some range pics from you. Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks guys I think it turned out well for a somewhat budget build with a lot of sweat equity built in. I don't even want to think about how many hours I have into sanding that stock.? I don't think you could finger print me if you tried.

    Now that I know she shoots I may have it clip sloted and stamped, but who knows. Just enjoying putting them together for the time being.

    The scope was fun to tinker with. I couldn't seem to find anyone to anodize it for me so a few to many drinks and some paint fumes and poof! Black to Green.

    I would love to see your M40A3. If it wasn't for the cost of the MST or Unertl scope I would totally build a later M40.

    I'm headed out to the woods this weekend for a little plinking I might throw it in the truck and put out some steel.

    A few of my favorite pictures below.


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    Awesome build and thanks for sharing!

    I have to ask if you've come across why they used the Redfield style bases and rings at the time instead of the Weaver style? I hope others may dig into this question as well.

    Added: This is one of those questions that never really came up as we've always just seen "what they used". In the parts searching that's going on nowadays, I finally had to ask, why the Redfield out of all the base/ring combo's out there. These two were the most prominent civilian manufacture of the time and would make sense as they are both solid. After many years and wear and tear though, the Weavers have proven the better system. Especially when removing and replacing the optic multiple times. I just wonder if anyone had info on "why". Maybe @USMCSGT0331, @TWOMANATTACK, @cplnorton, (if I left you out jump in anyways) might chip in?
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    Hello all,

    Got an itch to have a M40 clone shooter.

    -Vietnam era 6 digit receiver
    -ADL stock with checkering removed
    -old BDL style bottom metal inleted, refinished, and bedded and then beat up alittle to look the part.
    -Shilen barrel with the correct profile ( because I had it on the shelf )
    Tuned the old trigger 2 lb pull?
    "66" Redfield rings and base

    The scope is an old 3-9 1" tube marked Accu Range that I stripped and then shot with a flat O.D. green clear that I mixed up at my brother in law's body shop.

    I left certain areas darker to add the illusion of age.

    Anyway she shoots lights out. Just took her out to 740 yards on some steel the other night.

    I would love to see everyone else's projects.

    Thanks to the Hide for all of the great content and the good group of guys and gals on here.

    Kind Regards,


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    That's a great looking rifle! Can you tell me what OD green paint you used? I have a leupold/redfield I would like to try painting.
    Thanks Kevin

    Good evening Kevin,

    I stripped all of the original finish by hand. Using a soft wire wheel on a bench grinder and following it up with different grades of Scotch Brite pads until I had the grain that I was looking for.

    The original green scopes where anodized so I was trying to capture not only the look, but the feel of an anodized part. There are over 50 very, very thin coats of green candy on that scope. Not to mention matte clear to finish it. I used to work in metal finishing and this truly feels as though it was anodized. Having a brother in law that has his own body shop has it's advantages.

    There is an entire Saturday into stripping, sanding, prepping and painting that little green scope.

    All together there is $150 dollars into supplies and a lot of sweat and time into turning that scope from Black to Green.

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask Kevin.




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    50 coats!! that is a lot of work! Thanks, Jon

    Hey Kevin,

    Mist it, hit it with the heat gun to flash the coat, and repeat. It was a long day.

    I took a peak at your Leupold in one of your posts. I would keep her just the way she is. They don't make those anymore. I would have loved to have purchased one, but non have come up in quite some time. Neat scopes with a very useful mil dot reticle. The fine cross hair in mine doesnt equate to super accurate hold overs.


    Hey Kevin,

    Mist it, hit it with the heat gun to flash the coat, and repeat. It was a long day.

    I took a peak at your Leupold in one of your posts. I would keep her just the way she is. They don't make those anymore. I would have loved to have purchased one, but non have come up in quite some time. Neat scopes with a very useful mil dot reticle. The fine cross hair in mine doesnt equate to super accurate hold overs.


    Jon, That scope isn't getting touched. I also have one of the new made redfield scopes, I think leupold made them. It's flat black and just begging to get worked over, I had it on my M70 for a while
    I have done 3 clones , I’ll try to get some photos . I build some in different calibers . I have a .308 , a .223 and a .22lr . I would love to build one in .22 Hornet . Just a bit tough to find 700 action in aHornet . I have 3 stocks remaining and a few sets of bases and mounts . 1 scope .
    I have done 3 clones , I’ll try to get some photos . I build some in different calibers . I have a .308 , a .223 and a .22lr . I would love to build one in .22 Hornet . Just a bit tough to find 700 action in aHornet . I have 3 stocks remaining and a few sets of bases and mounts . 1 scope .

    Yes pictures please....

    This .223 version M40 will be joining my .308 version soon...



    Hello all,

    Got an itch to have a M40 clone shooter.

    -Vietnam era 6 digit receiver
    -ADL stock with checkering removed
    -old BDL style bottom metal inleted, refinished, and bedded and then beat up alittle to look the part.
    -Shilen barrel with the correct profile ( because I had it on the shelf )
    Tuned the old trigger 2 lb pull?
    "66" Redfield rings and base

    The scope is an old 3-9 1" tube marked Accu Range that I stripped and then shot with a flat O.D. green clear that I mixed up at my brother in law's body shop.

    I left certain areas darker to add the illusion of age.

    Anyway she shoots lights out. Just took her out to 740 yards on some steel the other night.

    I would love to see everyone else's projects.

    Thanks to the Hide for all of the great content and the good group of guys and gals on here.

    Kind Regards,
    Jon, what buttplate do you have on your stock? I have my ADL stock stripped and oiled but I have the original, very cheesy looking plastic bp that came with the stock. I need to do something about that.
    Jon, what buttplate do you have on your stock? I have my ADL stock stripped and oiled but I have the original, very cheesy looking plastic bp that came with the stock. I need to do something about that.

    Good evening Kevin,

    I was lucky my ADL stock was the same vintage as the receiver that I started the project with and had the original aluminum butt plate. You are looking for a butt plate that is identical to the ones below. ( Pictures curtesy of another M40 hide post )

    You can find them at gun shows if you dig in totes of spare parts or you can search evilbay it looks as though there are a few on there for a reasonable price.

    Good luck on your project. I would love to see some pictures ?


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    Hello all,

    Got an itch to have a M40 clone shooter.

    -Vietnam era 6 digit receiver
    -ADL stock with checkering removed
    -old BDL style bottom metal inleted, refinished, and bedded and then beat up alittle to look the part.
    -Shilen barrel with the correct profile ( because I had it on the shelf )
    Tuned the old trigger 2 lb pull?
    "66" Redfield rings and base

    The scope is an old 3-9 1" tube marked Accu Range that I stripped and then shot with a flat O.D. green clear that I mixed up at my brother in law's body shop.

    I left certain areas darker to add the illusion of age.

    Anyway she shoots lights out. Just took her out to 740 yards on some steel the other night.

    I would love to see everyone else's projects.

    Thanks to the Hide for all of the great content and the good group of guys and gals on here.

    Kind Regards,

    Are you willing to work on fellow hide members scopes? Can’t find anyone that can replicate the fantastic work you did!
    Good evening,

    I can’t thank you enough for your kind words.

    Necessity was definitely the mother of creation on this project.

    Had anyone been actively anodizing scopes I would have gladly had it done.
    Stripping and coating it was more labor intensive than I care to delve into.

    If I had more time on my hands I would gladly do it for the material costs alone. It was a very rewarding project to say the least.

    I always joke that if anyone truly knew the time that I have into that very plain, wood stocked rifle hanging on the wall next to all the go fast, wiz bang, fiberglass, new stuff they would get a pretty good laugh.

    I have really enjoyed building some fun rifles and can’t say enough for the character of the people that I run across on the Hide.

    My sincere thanks to Frank and all who contributed to the creation and continued support of this wonderful world that we call the Hide.

    Kind Regards,

    I’ve been away for a long time, but suddenly have a renewed interest. A friend found some very cool items at an estate sale. I can’t believe the pics he sent me. Looks like an original, green anodized, Vietnam era USMC M40 Redfield to me, but I’m no expert. Any thoughts out there.


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    I’ve been away for a long time, but suddenly have a renewed interest. A friend found some very cool items at an estate sale. I can’t believe the pics he sent me. Looks like an original, green anodized, Vietnam era USMC M40 Redfield to me, but I’m no expert. Any thoughts out there.
    Picture #2 shows an M40 serial # 221542. Looks like the real deal...very nice. (I almost got one last summer on eBay, but lost the auction)
    Do you happen to remember what it sold for$$$?Not sure what my friend paid for his. Hey Random Guy, do you remember how much the one on eBay sold for?
    Hey Random Guy, do you remember how much the one on eBay sold for?

    Yes. It sold on eBay in June for $661.51 plus shipping. You read that correctly, It was not advertised as anything special:

    eBay greenie_2019_v2.jpg

    I knew what it was, I was the highest bidder all week, but over the final weekend someone else became the highest bidder. I tried to double my bid to $1200 at the last minute with about 30 seconds remaining - but eBay kept throwing up an "ITAR" warning banner and I couldn't increase my bid before it ended. I kept re-loading the page in a frantic effort to enter a higher bid, but it just churned and the auction ended. I'm actually still pretty upset about it...as I want one for my M40 clone and the chance to buy one for about $1k will not likely present itself again.. So a false "ITAR" export-related eBay programming bug kept me from owning a rather nice greenie. A bummer...
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    Yes. It sold on eBay in June for $661.51 plus shipping. You read that correctly, It was not advertised as anything special:

    View attachment 7188816

    I knew what it was, I was the highest bidder all week, but over the final weekend someone else became the highest bidder. I tried to double my bid to $1200 at the last minute with about 30 seconds remaining - but eBay kept throwing up an "ITAR" warning banner and I couldn't increase my bid before it ended. I kept re-loading the page in a frantic effort to enter a higher bid, but it just churned and the auction ended. I'm actually still pretty upset about it...as I want one for my M40 clone and the chance to buy one for about $1k will not likely present itself again.. So a false "ITAR" export-related eBay programming bug kept me from owning a rather nice greenie. A bummer...

    I remember that one, the buyer contacted me after he received it, he was looking for info and authentication. It was the real deal. I helped him sell the scope (I wasn't the buyer), and he ended up making about 7x profit on it, pretty damn good investment and it went to a good home!
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    • Like
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    Hello all,

    Got an itch to have a M40 clone shooter.

    -Vietnam era 6 digit receiver
    -ADL stock with checkering removed
    -old BDL style bottom metal inleted, refinished, and bedded and then beat up alittle to look the part.
    -Shilen barrel with the correct profile ( because I had it on the shelf )
    Tuned the old trigger 2 lb pull?
    "66" Redfield rings and base

    The scope is an old 3-9 1" tube marked Accu Range that I stripped and then shot with a flat O.D. green clear that I mixed up at my brother in law's body shop.

    I left certain areas darker to add the illusion of age.

    Anyway she shoots lights out. Just took her out to 740 yards on some steel the other night.

    I would love to see everyone else's projects.

    Thanks to the Hide for all of the great content and the good group of guys and gals on here.

    Kind Regards,
    Hi there, nice job! Really interested in how you got the scope looking like that! I have a black HiLux replica. Couldn't buy one of the green ones as no one would ship out of the US to Australia. Was wanting to try to do it the same as your's. Also how did you get the checkering off? I'm going to hydrodip the stock in McMillan 'Forest Camo'. Also I wasn't aware they used BDL's.
    This whole post inspires me. I have a Redfield 3-9x40 Accu-Range on my M40 .308 replica/clone, it's black and in about 98% condition. I'm going to go for it as far as the anodized painting goes. I've went the extra mile as far as appearance and putting together a rifle thats up to specs EXCEPT the scope color.

    It's time to go for it, just a bit farther and I'll be there............. I just kinda get a bit nervous thinking about taking the scope down to the metal. What exactly is a "soft" wire wheel ? I have a wire wheel on my bench grinder but I want to get one like you used as it works, your results show it.
    What did you put inside the ends of the scope to protect the glass ? and did painting the threads and lock ring give you much trouble?

    By the way, Longrangeprecision762 your rifle looks jam up and the scope , well it speaks for itself.

    Great job on both and thanks in advance for any answers and tips you can give me in the prep procedures.

    Pvt. Joker
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    My two cents. Leave it black and enjoy it or until someone comes along on here again that can do it right.

    You can always test a new paint or process on a junk scope or tube of similar metal. It is easy to throw away a piece of aluminum tube than a original Accu range.

    I think that paint would be very pearlescent and you wouldn’t like it.
    I always use the fast food analogy when it comes to photos. They where shot with the best case scenario for that product.
    The burger always looks better on the advertisement ?

    Kind Regards,

    - Jon
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    Mine is a rather flat looking black , no longer gloss . One of my rifles has a Weaver 10x fixed , the other 40x in .22 LR has a Weaver 24X glass on it. Only the .308 has the correct Accu Range . Are my rifles 100% correct ? No . Are they close , for me , as close as I need them to be . The fun factor is still topped out , for me .
    I so wish I could hang my guns on a wall and just look at them all looking cool on occasion.

    Anti gun brainwashing is making America a boring place.
    I so wish I could hang my guns on a wall and just look at them all looking cool on occasion.

    Anti gun brainwashing is making America a boring place.

    What are the gun laws where you are that mean you can't hang your guns? A mate of mine has a gun room that is wall to wall Lee Enfields over the walls plus loads of others. He has a double deadlock on the door but that is in New Zealandstan.
    What are the gun laws where you are that mean you can't hang your guns? A mate of mine has a gun room that is wall to wall Lee Enfields over the walls plus loads of others. He has a double deadlock on the door but that is in New Zealandstan.

    I have young kids so no matter what they would be locked up.

    Gone are the days when kids believed that if they touched dad's stuff end of life may come. Even still when i was a kid we always touched Dads stuff. Who didnt learn about condoms by digging in the top drawer of the Mom and Dad dresser.

    Thing is kids are naive these days in the liberal lands where I live. My wife and I try but social pressure and the lameness that surrounds us is a tough stream to overcome.

    That and the state I live in does have a secure container law. Had I the ability to redo out house build I would have a secure room with a vaulty door. probably 16 hours of the 24 hour day I would be in there, secure behind the locked vault door just chillin.
    I have young kids so no matter what they would be locked up.

    Gone are the days when kids believed that if they touched dad's stuff end of life may come. Even still when i was a kid we always touched Dads stuff. Who didnt learn about condoms by digging in the top drawer of the Mom and Dad dresser.

    Thing is kids are naive these days in the liberal lands where I live. My wife and I try but social pressure and the lameness that surrounds us is a tough stream to overcome.

    That and the state I live in does have a secure container law. Had I the ability to redo out house build I would have a secure room with a vaulty door. probably 16 hours of the 24 hour day I would be in there, secure behind the locked vault door just chillin.
    I used to have that in a house I had built. On the plans it was called the Armoire! Spent manys the hour fiddling and reloading blissfully unaware of the outside world.
    That scope is the real deal. Not only the UV bleached and age oxidized original green ano, but the surface prep scratches (You see them on the eyepiece).

    Good evening Toki,

    Welcome back to the fold my friend. I have poured over all of your posts on here and other sites. I can’t thank you enough for all of the inspiration on my projects.

    Kind Regards,

    - Jon
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