Magazines for Savage MSR 10 Precision in .308

7.62 NATO PMAGs, SR-25 mags, Lancer 20rd 7.62 NATO, DPMS LR-308 mags, IMI Polymer mags.

It’s an SR-25 compatible magazine action. Because of the differences with the smaller action used in the Savage MSR-10, it’s worth trying several different types and seeing what works better for you. Critical dims on SR-25 pattern mags have been all over the place with regard to feed lip height and angle relative to the bore center datum, and this caused problems in the DPMS GII that the Savage MSR-10 is inspired from. It meant that the bolt catch wasn’t engaging the bolt lugs sufficiently, so people had to shave the follower on one of the generations of 7.62 PMAGs to get them to work.




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