Magpul Bipod thoughts?

Do you like the Magpul Bipod?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 27.6%
  • Depends/Situational (It'd be nice if elaborated on in comments)

    Votes: 32 36.8%
  • No

    Votes: 31 35.6%

  • Total voters


Nov 29, 2018
I did read threads/posts about the Magpul bipod on here, but I'm always curious to see how the exact numbers pan out.

From what I gathered, it's a light-weight feature-packed bipod at the price point, but a lot of people don't like the tension knob, doubt its durability, and it isn't really that much lighter than a Harris anyways.
Wouldn’t put it on a precision rifle. Too much slop it in. It’s not a bad bipod but for precision rifles there are better choices out there. Get an Atlas CAL and call it a day.
They work depending on the situation. Hunting, fun plinking session, easy "movement" (slew, can't). Accuracy ? Nope. Rigidity, nope.

I still voted yes. It's a capable bipod.
I am running one on my ACC and have had no problems with it using it in PRS style matches.
I have the the pan feature locked out and the tension knob hasn't come loose on me in use. There is some play in the legs but that goes away once you load them.
I didn't have Atlas money to spend so this fits my needs and I have found the tension on them to be more annoying than the Magpul when I have used them. The 45° leg position on the Atlas is nice to have though
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For another 50.00 you can make a Harris do anything you need. They work but the little I played with one very sloppy like was said above you can make it work. Get a Harris with add ons like new feet and a quick detach for another 50-75.00. I share an Atlas with 3 rifles my math makes it cheaper than a Caldwell. I also have a Harris quick detach set up for a pic rail. After running a bunch of bipods they are pretty much the picks for hard use. Not giving you the buy once cry once speech for a few more bucks get a solid bipod you can trust.
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It’s a piece of shit. Wobbly. The only Magpul product I’ve ever bought that wasn’t great.
Maybe they should make some more t-shirts. They have totally lost focus as a business. The put this piece of crap out, and don’t innovate in any way.

These things are built to compete with knockoff Atlas products. People are surprised when they fail.
Not Magpuls finest product.

The make phone cases, sunglasses, and t-shirts. All of which are for “posers.” This bipod is no different.
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I’d buy a Harris before using this. I was not impressed at all. It reminded me of a cheap lawn chair I have... wobbled all over the place, afraid it wouldn’t hold the weight.

Atlas CAL or TBAC if you want a good bipod.
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I am running one on my ACC and have had no problems with it using it in PRS style matches.
I have the the pan feature locked out and the tension knob hasn't come loose on me in use. There is some play in the legs but that goes away once you load them.
I didn't have Atlas money to spend so this fits my needs and I have found the tension on them to be more annoying than the Magpul when I have used them. The 45° leg position on the Atlas is nice to have though
You run an $1100 chassis but dont have Atlas money?
From the Magpul website
..."Additionally, its staggered soft rubber feet hold fast on a variety of shooting surfaces and are easily removed with a roll pin punch. Should users choose to change feet, the Magpul Bipod’s legs accept most Atlas pattern bipod replaceable feet, except for the Atlas 5-H style."
It's an AR-15 bipod nothing more nothing less. I think it works great for that purpose. Lightweight, flexy but mostly controllable, good length, and nicely priced.

Dudes who think it's supposed to be an Atlas will be dissapointed. This bears repeating-It's not an Atlas.
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Got the Magpul bipod as part of an mpa package. It was terrible. Instantly sold it and threw a small atlas on, night and day difference. Don't waste your time with it unless it's for just casual range trips on an ar15 or something.
It does feel "plasticy" and there is some "slop" but it work rather well. I've shot off one and I'd buy one for a build if it fit the bill. *I did buy one but sold it. NOT because I didn't like it. Would buy again.
I would go with a Harris over the Magpul personally for an AR. I see lots of Harris's on military pics but only magpul mags, not bipods.
When I bought my atlas I got it with the ADM mount. Then later changed it to an arca clamp. I bought a magpul bi- pod a.r.m.s 17s style. then I put the ADM mount on it. Definitely not like shooting off an atlas or harris . but it works great for AR's and rimfire just plinking stuff.
I take it as it's up to the consumer what they want to spend there money on . I love the atlas's I own and one that I don't yet own. The polymer does not really bother me at this point in my life as I have used something like it for years all to many of my ar's have magpul parts and they work fine . but already having the cky pod with all its wiggles and giggles like jello is enough for me at this time to try and adapt to . Maybe in a few years I will buy one or two who knows . Good luck no matter which bi pod you choose .
While it is not a Atlas by any means it still serves a purpose on a lightweight AR or .22 rimfire. I bought an m-loc version when they came out to put on an AR-10 FOR a hog hunting trip. It worked well but I have since upgraded to an Atlas CAL on that rifle. It currently sits on my buddies 6.5 grendal AR. He deer hunts with the rifle and probably doesn't shoot a box of ammo a year out of the rifle.
I got it for my AR-10 and found it far too narrow. Otherwise the rest of it works like it should. If I was doing again I would have spent money elsewhere which isn't something I say about Magpul often.
I have one. For gen. shooting, it works fine. For precision, not so much, because the legs are wobbly. The "traversing" function, works as designed and locks-up good. The "cant" function, works well, but d/n lock-up very well. For a Tactical rifle = great, for a Precision rifle = not so great. Jmho. Mac
I put a Magpul M-Lok bipod on an AR-10 6.5 Creedmoor. When the legs are extended, and the bipod is "loaded", it gives a lot of springy bounce when fired... which forces me to have to re-align significantly for a follow-up shot. I realized some of this behavior could be tamed if I upgraded my brake/compensator. It goes without saying that the undesirable behavior is amplified when the legs are extended. I also have an all-metal Atlas Knock-off which does not exhibit this behavior as badly.