Magpul mags in MDT chassis.....


Jan 29, 2023
I haven't found this specific question, so here goes.
I replaced my Savage Stealth stock with an MDT ESS stock.
It went together fine, but I find that my Magpul magazines just don't seat properly, like they are pushing on the bolt and not latching in.
They latch in fine with the bolt open, but when closed, the bolt seems to be riding on the feed lips.
My MDT mag works great.
Any information on a "cause" and a possible "fix"?
Short of getting more MDT mags, which I probably will anyway, any thoughts on a fix, maybe thinning down the feed lips a bit.
Thanks in advance.

Never mind I figured it out.
A light dremel run over the top of the feed lips removed just enough to get them to fit and function properly.
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