Magtech 6.5 Creedmoor, is this any good?


Sergeant of the Hide
Feb 8, 2020
I'm just getting into the whole rifle hobby, and loving getting out and shooting. Local range has 650y, and really want to be able to keep hitting targets out there. I've got a 6.5 Creedmoor T/C LRR.
I have mostly been shooting with Hornady American Gunner 140 HPBT factory ammo, and its working for me. (I don't know any better). I get consistent grouping of 0.75" grouping at 100yards, 2.8" @ 334yards. I'm not out to have the tightest group ever, want to hit hogs, and steel reasonably accurately. I know I probably should stop buying factory ammo, and just get into hand-loading, but that is just not in the cards for me right now.

I shot a bit of Sellier and Bellot 140g FMJBT, and it grouped super well at 100y. I cant seem to find any more of it, but the Magtech ammo just showed up at the same price, and unless I am missing something, looks to be the same photo of ammo on a few websites. Has anyone tried this stuff? Seems like its the right price for pinking steel.

My boxes of S&B just came today. I was told by other members on here that they are good for target shooting. Plus, good brass if you ever reload. I have those, Hornady match and Hornady black I will try out when the ranges open.
I've put about 500 rounds of the S&B through my RPR 6.5 and the accuracy I get is so good I won't even quantify so as not to draw the popcorn gallery out. @Mike Casselton uses my brass to reload and it's fine-n-dandy for that as well he gets sub 1/2" performance with his ELDs. I've got 1,150 rounds of it left from a Brownells coupon code/sale last December at .48c/round delivered. Was just looking at the Magtech offering...which just went up $25/500 in 24 hours. I can't tell what is what, but either Magtech owns S&B or the other way around.....will try it when I see it in stock locally and I can grab a box to test. Chrono on the S&B was 2690 out of 24" suppressed and can't recall the SD, but Mike was blown away at the overall data for a 'plinking' round I do remember that much.
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I have the Magtech stuff. I have been able to consistently hit 1 moa targets out to 1000 yards. Unsure how it groups at 100. I love and am buying more. Looks to be the same as some of the S&B.
I don't reload and don't want to. I love to shoot. I dont do PRS but it seems like it might be fun. If I did, I would shoot the magtech stuff, at least initially.
You should try it. You will likely be surprised in a good way.
I have the Magtech stuff. I have been able to consistently hit 1 moa targets out to 1000 yards. Unsure how it groups at 100. I love and am buying more. Looks to be the same as some of the S&B.
I don't reload and don't want to. I love to shoot. I dont do PRS but it seems like it might be fun. If I did, I would shoot the magtech stuff, at least initially.
You should try it. You will likely be surprised in a good way.
That's great to hear I had hoped as much. I just picked up another 500 of the SnB on what had to have been a mistyped listing.....277's going for ~ $100 more delievered everywhere else. I think they had 1 case I put the order in and voila gone. Have you done any chrono work with them? I'm 2690 out of 24" with 8" can. Thanks if you have any data on that.
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