Manfrotto RC2 & Arca Swiss Bino Adapter?


Sep 1, 2022
Are there any other options besides the Field Optics Research Rapid Release that have BOTH of these options on the base? The reviews I found for that product are shaky at best (pun intended).

I have Manfrotto tripods with RC2 and several 200PL plates already. If I change the tripods over to Arca, then I need all new plates for my camera gear. And adding a 200PL to a tripod adapter adds a fair amount of bulk (probably last resort).

I did find that Manfrotto now makes a 200PL-PRO plate that is both Arca and RC2 compatible. Still don't want to buy all new plates.

Probably should mention the mount to the binos is a 1/4-20 threaded hole.

Thank you in advance.