I’m switching to left handed gear… lots to sell. I will get individual pictures on request.
S&b pm2’s dt2 MTC’s one grid 2 one tremor 3
Both had scope caps and 3 levers. Tremor is pristine, grid has some scapes on the body glass is perfect. Love both of these but don’t work for a lefty and not interested in getting the illumination removed.
Grid 2- 2500 plus shipping- price drop- SOLD
Tremor 3 2600 plus shipping- price drop- SOLD
Stainless TL3 AW cut 308 bolt face- absolutely buttery smooth- 1200- price drop- NOW SOLD PENDING FUNDS
Big horn SR3 nitrided LA mag or 308 BF- SOLD
McMillan Game Warden Gap camo. Had to hog out the barrel channel for proof sendero. Bedded for SR3- SOLD
Origin 308 bf- SOLD
Manners LHRs micro chassis basically brand new, forget the color, light weight full length arca battalion BM- SOLD
Manners prs2 mini chassis TL3 inlet ingenuity rail system- $1200.00- Price drop- NOW 1050
Foundation revelation dark distressed Hawkins BM origin inlet- SPF
Also have a 6.5 TMB muzzle brakes-200
Sphur- sp4006- 375
Area 419 34mm Med rings- 190
Only trades would be zco or TT mil scopes or Kahles 3-28. Or any of the above, rim x or vudoo in LH

S&b pm2’s dt2 MTC’s one grid 2 one tremor 3
Both had scope caps and 3 levers. Tremor is pristine, grid has some scapes on the body glass is perfect. Love both of these but don’t work for a lefty and not interested in getting the illumination removed.
Grid 2- 2500 plus shipping- price drop- SOLD
Tremor 3 2600 plus shipping- price drop- SOLD
Stainless TL3 AW cut 308 bolt face- absolutely buttery smooth- 1200- price drop- NOW SOLD PENDING FUNDS
Big horn SR3 nitrided LA mag or 308 BF- SOLD
McMillan Game Warden Gap camo. Had to hog out the barrel channel for proof sendero. Bedded for SR3- SOLD
Origin 308 bf- SOLD
Manners LHRs micro chassis basically brand new, forget the color, light weight full length arca battalion BM- SOLD
Manners prs2 mini chassis TL3 inlet ingenuity rail system- $1200.00- Price drop- NOW 1050
Foundation revelation dark distressed Hawkins BM origin inlet- SPF
Also have a 6.5 TMB muzzle brakes-200
Sphur- sp4006- 375
Area 419 34mm Med rings- 190
Only trades would be zco or TT mil scopes or Kahles 3-28. Or any of the above, rim x or vudoo in LH

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