marlin trigger options


Full Member
Jun 1, 2009
hi all
just picked up a marlin 70pss think it uses same trigger as 795 , needs a new trigger this one is really bad , i know DIP do trigger guard kits but they wont sell outside the US , does any one know of any other after market triggers for this gun ?
all info welcome
Have you tried working on the trigger yourself? If it 'needs' new parts, you won't break it any more by giving it a shot (no pun intended). If you're careful, and study the function as you go, I bet you could do wonders. What the problem? Too much creep? Feels gritty? Unsafe? A little patience and some 600 grit paper could be your new match grade custom trigger.
its just very very heavy , ive looked at the online guides/vids on trying to improve it but most seem very complicated and results / comments vary on success , the DIP replacment gets a great review , plus the trigger guard is aluminium not plastic , ive seen a sring upgrade kit on gunbroker as well .
its not as simple as a 10/22 trigger thats for sure !!
A great piece of advice that I got from a guy was that the geometry of some triggers is the reason for a heavy pull. I don't know how well I can describe it, but essentially, the farther back a trigger is moved in it's travel the harder the sear is levered against the engagement surface. This is what makes a hard trigger pull. The remedy (at least sometimes) is to adjust the ANGLE that the two surfaces engage each other such that they glide past more than push into. Something to look at anyway.

If you're looking at buying an aftermarket anyway, you might as well play with the parts a bit to see what can be done.
took the trigger apart and followed the online guides on cleaning and polishing etc , made no difference !
but looks like ive got away of getting a dip trigger posted , and there is a replacment spring kit on ebay , so in a couple of weeks should be sorted hopfully !
Now i'm curious. Are you over the 'trigger work' or would you be willing to post a few pictures. The schematics i've managed to find are not detailed enough to see what's really going on with the trigger, sear, hammer, etc. The 'can't be done' things are always the most fun to tackle.
sorry all back together no pics !
the only thing to remember is put a bent paper clip through the hammer strut hole before you start , actually once done its pretty simple , those little c-clips on the pins are a bit rubbish , probably will need some new ones .
i think its the way the trigger is designed is the problem, the trigger blade has to push a sear disconector rod , which takes a bit of force , the rod its self is flush with the housing wall , so after a few shots theres plenty of powder residue in there creating more drag ,
the sear groove [ not sure thats the correct term] is not very well cut , on mine anyway , it would need a very small fine file to adjust , but not sure how much adjustment would be safe ! i cleaned it up a little and polished it along with the sear , but really has made no difference ,
i hope to see a difference when the spring kit arrives .
iam confident taking it to bits now so if you get stuck drop me a line or post pics etc