this is my 8yr old son mason, or the midget as we all call him. he shot this mulie on 40 acres that i bought to build our future house on. i planted about 10 acres of wheat on it and the deer are thick. he shot the deer with his 243 and a 75gr sierra hp. i had a buch of these loaded for my boys to practice with and we never made it back out to test the 85gr sierra game kings i loaded for deer. i have to say that the bullet failed miserably as could be expected. the shot was center shoulder and the deer dropped immediately but was still kicking and raised his head. i had the midget put another in his neck for good measure. upon hanging and field dressing the deer, i found that the bullet never made it past the shoulder and only two bone fragment entered the chest cavity. i really dont know what kept the deer down with the first shot. not a giant but not bad for his first. this is my first attempt at posting a photo so i hope it works.