Save your money and get while the gettin’s good.
AR’s are already banned in CT, I assume in NY as well. but, when I went through the process of getting my permit in NY I couldn’t believe it.
Basically, after your in person interview and psychological evaluation, you have your pistols delivered to an FFL where you then bring them immediately upon collection to the licensing board. There they inspect and photograph the wespon(s) and add the serial number, caliber and description on the back of your permit. If they want (but usually they do) Then if you are using any weapon not on your permit at any time, you go to jail. They have a massive database of every law abiding pistol owner’s weapon. They did not have an answer regarding the weapons brought in illegally by criminals...
That “permit” allows you you to go from your home to the range and back. That’s it. I nearly shit myself when going through the process. Basically, I would be breaking the law as written to stop on the way home for a soda at 7-11. Although they say they would overlook “reasonable” things like this all you need is an officer with a hair across his ass and you do time.
i could also be thrown in jail for disarming an assailant and using their weapon on them. Yep. I asked that question just to be crystal clear. Save a life and do time for it because that serial number was not on your permit...
“so let me get this straight. Even though I have had a cc permit for over 18 years in CT, with a squeaky clean record, I am suddenly unfit to carry because I moved 1.5 hours South?”
needless to say, I never brought my pistols into NY so they never got my serial numbers.
The NRA, whom I used to support, was worth less than dental floss at a Willie Nelson concert on the matter. They have their own agenda and don’t care about the 2nd or gun owner’s rights.