That is right out of the 1970's and was very trendy back then. If you look at the Gun Digest or Guns Annual type books from then, you will see all kinds of customs with that style. It's sort of the Harvest Gold and AMC Pacer level of easy-to-identify '70's style.
Which is not fair to the gun. Because from a workmanship and 'shooting' standpoint, they were building AMAZING quality customs back then. But because styles have changed (and many tastes) these guns do not get nearly the respect they deserve. These were made at a time when very old-world guncrafting techniques were still in use. And when the cost of one of these could equal a new car...
So today, you can pick up something that probably cost $2,000 - 3,000 in 1970's dollars for almost nothing. We're talking about $20,000 in today's dollars!
Obviously not every custom was in that category... but this one is pretty unique and looks to have been pretty superbly executed! Very cool wood!
I'd love to know more about maker, barrel, etc. Because I am willing to bet you stole a gem! Even if it's in a style that says "Partridge Family" a bit more than it says Rourke or Capstick... (though Capstick had some pretty interesting stuff in his latter years!)
Well bought! Beautiful piece!