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Suppressors Maxim 9

After checking one out at a LGS, I really wanted one. Not fond of the Magpul G17 mags, they seem cheap to me, guy at the counter asked why that he liked 'em and I figured if I had to explain it and he didn't already know that he probably wouldn't get it. I have plenty of those though and the pistol isn't like any other I've seen, it was designed from the ground up. I would like to know how it compares to a G17 with a Liberty Mystic 9x and a Sico Omega 9k first though.

I know you can remove an inch or two off the suppressor and make it more compact and it seems well made with two guide rods, half a slide and weight isn't bad either. Trigger was more or less like a Glock IIRC. Having a pistol you can draw that's suppressed like that would be nice but I also heard they can be finicky and have reliability problems. I don't know much about this though, just something I heard. Also not sure how or where I'd use it. It's not something I'd CC and probably not OC either. I guess if I had to have a suppressed setup I'd put a can on a Glock and score a holster to accommodate it.

So I'm kind of up in the air, I guess I wanna see others get 'em first, see if they make any changes or gens and go from there. But I've been interested in the concept since I first heard of it and checking one out in person more or less confirmed it.

That looked like a good price if you don't get killed on taxes and transfer fees on top of the tax stamp.
I could have saved about $300 after the transfer. I’m not sure I made the right choice buying one of these and may just buy some threaded barrels for my other 9mm’s so I can compare. Gotta start somewhere or you will never get into suppressors.
Here's a review I did after my first range trip with it. Adding to what's below I feel it is on par with my 9mm osprey as far as sound at the shooters ear, but it still has that weird "ping" to it.

My opinion,
The trigger is not that bad, it is a flat face and does build prior to the break but so do all striker fired triggers. Take up is not terrible and the reset is fairly short. The thing that got me was the first few times I pinched the hell out of my left thumb, I am used to holding with my support thumb resting next to the slide. The sights are off from the factory, it was printing left and after a look sure enough the rear sight was not centered. I shot it sxs with my FNX 45 Tactical with an Osprey and with 45 Octane, the Maxim 9 running 147's is substantially louder. I didn't have good subs with me, I will try and do a video in the next couple weeks with subs. It was "hearing safe" to me even in the short configuration with 115's. The weapon does make a "ping" noise when it shoots, this noise can be replicated by tapping a empty mag on the front of the gun, I wonder if more baffles would help with this or even carbon build up might silence it a little. I can see myself really falling in love with this gun. I think that it has a lot of advantages and only a few shortcomings.

Advantages: standoff-this weapon will fire even if the muzzle is pushed into something, hearing safe (to me) in all configurations, comes factory with decent sights, is holster able, and in its short config is about the size as a G17 W/ threaded barrel.

Disadvantages: Mounting a WML would be comical and not practical in any way, I would prefer a slightly larger frame, Looks bulky and goofy, is slightly front heavy, and I will need to shoot it more to get used to the grip (it takes me a second to get on target).

(disclosure I shoot a stock glock trigger very well, even better than I shoot my ZEV's)
I have one and think it’s rather impressive. Doing a comparison of 45 suppressed osprey to the maxim is silly to me. One is subsonic inherently one is not. One is integral one is not. What exactly is wrong with the Glock mags? I heard Glock is no longer going to produce their own magazines as the pmags are lighter, cheaper, and as much or more reliable than the Glock magazines. Newer glocks will ship with pmags apparently so they must not be that bad. I shoot 147gr out of mine in the short configuration and it is indeed hearing safe which I’m quite impressed with for such a small footprint. The ammo used is a factor; the lighter 115gr is most definitely louder, but still not uncomfortable. The ergonomics are great and the weight distribution is also great. Not front heavy at all in either configuration. My main gripe is the stock sights, but they can (and on mine have) be replaced with Glock sights as long as they are steel. I believe Sco will use different sights in the future. The rear was difficult to fit I will say. The fact that Sco has a BOGO right now that includes the maxim would be a no brainer deal for me. I own several pistol cans including a FNP45 tactical with and osprey and while it’s a fantastic setup the Maxim 9 is actually more manageable, holstersble, and practical for more regular use than a standard pistol and suppressor setup. I hope they make it in 45, it would be stupid quiet. Just my two cents.
Now they come with a free can! Wish I could start over.

Shit, I looked that up. I'd be stupid not to do that! I doubt I have the money but I may be able to squeeze enough to go get the Maxim 9 next month. I wanted one anyway and the LGS has one for a lot less than MSRP, more like $900 I want to say. I hope they still have it. To get a free Omega 45K or an Octane, just can't pass that up. Wish it was a Saker 556 they were giving away.

If I can find the Maxim 9 for a good price, this will be hard to pass up. Maybe a Saker if I can find one of those on sale locally, but I'd really like that Maxim 9. I've wanted one since it came out, almost justified it when the divorce was final but stayed frugal. I guess if I'm still saving and paying the bills and feeding myself and the dog and cat the way everyone expects, I suppose I can do it. I'd rather get more loading gear or finish this rifle I had started, but that's hard to pass on.

We'll see...
I've seen them online for $801. The shop I ordered from said he would charge me $100 for a transfer. So it may not be worth the hassle for you to order online if you can get it local for $900.
I just looked online and all the cheap ones seemed to have dried up. So you might want to jump on this one quick.
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This is about the best $30 i have spent in a while. It really improved the trigger....like 100%. Much less gritty, much lighter. I have not needed to run the red spring yet, but run my own reloads with WSP primers.

Part of the improvement was a good clean/lube of the trigger/bolt and myriad moving parts, but very much improved regardless. I know the engineering on this is "interesting". Disassemble the bolt and look at the trigger linkages and its certainly one way to build a mouse trap. Mine is a range toy, but I would not want to schlump around in the desert for a few months with this.... But, in having it ~ 8 months, its always gone bang.

I also added some fiber optic sights and do enjoy range time with it, letting friends shoot it and run it in the local competition or two now and again just to amuse people.

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