Maxine Waters Threatened President Trump


Beware of the Dildópony!
Full Member
Jun 15, 2008
If anyone had done this during the two segments of the last administration, they'd still be shackled to a wall at Lewisburg.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The video disappeared once already. Download it, spread it around.
Imagine if a Republican had said that about Obama's presidency...

Well, she is another batshit crazy woman. And is at the front lines of distraction.

Note that we are not talking about Uranium... which is about to pop bigtime! You know... that Russian involvement. Let's keep investigating them Russians. Including the Klinton's Konnection. Game on, Kupkakes!


A South African whom I used to work with said that bicycle tires were called the "first warning".... car tires were called "final warning" and tractor tires were called "family pack".

They sure think differently down there. Then he would go on as to what a sjambock is, and how they made them, and how they used them.

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I guess I spent eight years futilely wishing that elected Republicans would stand up to Obama. Even though they seem in thrall to evil you have to respect their willingness to go to the end with their failed ideology. We should use people like this to show the Republican establishment how you are supposed to act when the other party is doing everything it can to wreck our country.
A South African whom I used to work with said that bicycle tires were called the "first warning".... car tires were called "final warning" and tractor tires were called "family pack".

They sure think differently down there. Then he would go on as to what a shambock is, and how they made them, and how they used them.


Did you mean a Sjambok (which is a heavy leather whip made from the skin of a hippo)? If not what is a shambock?
so the Dems are constantly calling for someone to assassinate Trump.......yet they have the balls to claim "right wingers" are dangerous violent neo nazi racists..........a little bit of self projection perhaps?

this is appaling coming from anyone, claiming they are going to kill the president......but coming from an elected official.....and then getting a roaring applause.....jesus fucking christ.

claiming " oh we need to work together!"....then in the next breath " im gonna kill anyone i disagree with".......
god im really getting sick of these fucking communists....its time for them to nut up or shut up........if they want to go to play for blood, they just need to say when.........but im getting really tired of waiting for them to fulfill their empty threats.......

when exactly are they planning their grand "revolution"?
I don’t think they are. Truth be told, I believe they will keep this oral tirade up until someone on our side takes the first shot. That is the basis of the resist movement.

They are really not as dumb as people think and they are pretty well organized and funded.

What I want to understand is why Sessions and the Secret Service aren’t prosecuting anyone that threatens Trump. I am not a lawyer but I can’t believe threats like this would have not been investigated in prior administrations

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In Africa they have a charming custom that comes to mind. It involves a tire, some gasoline, and a match. The name evades me but it is some kind of "necklace".

Nelson Mandela.... great leader.
Mandela's Necklace
Mandela's Roman candles.

Not really a charming custom. Smells pretty bad, shit, piss, burned pork, burned rubber, strong gas odor, and the noise, "no baas, i wont do it again, please baas, i won't say anything like that again, pleeeease baas, I promise I won't". .... and the family members wailing, fainting, falling out, kids crying, getting burned trying to help dad, mom getting shot, trying to help her kids, blood in that heat stinks really bad, all that shit can really fuck up a good meal, no, not such a charming custom.
You wouldn't think so if it were one of your family.

It was really better when the match strikers took 172 in the bridge of the nose... now THAT is really satisfying.
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I'm sorry - I've been voting Republican for damn near fifty years and here we are today and I see no difference between Maxine Waters and the backstabbingsonsofgoddamnbitches that pose as "Republicans" in Congress today.

We are 9 months in, have the House, the Senate and the White House; and the majority party, it hasn't pulled its thumb out of its ass yet.

Maxine Waters and the rest are not the problem, the problem is on our side and you all know it in your hearts.

Our problem is not the Democrats.

I'll say it:

Saying that the Republican Party is deeply flawed in this instance is something like saying that a woman scantily dressed deserved a raping. None of its shortcomings gave Waters license to commit a crime. And yes, it's a crime to voice a threat against the person of POTUS. And since when is Trump really a Republican? Identifying as such was more of a tactic to shoehorn in to a political system geared towards us vs. them adversarial campaigning. He's a populist.
I don’t think they are. Truth be told, I believe they will keep this oral tirade up until someone on our side takes the first shot. That is the basis of the resist movement.

They are really not as dumb as people think and they are pretty well organized and funded.

What I want to understand is why Sessions and the Secret Service aren’t prosecuting anyone that threatens Trump. I am not a lawyer but I can’t believe threats like this would have not been investigated in prior administrations

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Exactly. You or I pull this shit? Standby to receive unwanted contact and possibly incarceration. It's a fucking crime AND a shame. No double standard my ass! Fuck that goonie goo goo piece of shit.:mad:
Exactly. You or I pull this shit? Standby to receive unwanted contact and possibly incarceration. It's a fucking crime AND a shame. No double standard my ass! Fuck that goonie goo goo piece of shit.:mad:

You gonna piss off Uncle Gus that way, Mr. Murphy.
A little something for your dartboards ...

Nelson Mandela.... great leader.
Mandela's Necklace
Mandela's Roman candles.

Not really a charming custom. Smells pretty bad, shit, piss, burned pork, burned rubber, strong gas odor, and the noise, "no baas, i wont do it again, please baas, i won't say anything like that again, pleeeease baas, I promise I won't". .... and the family members wailing, fainting, falling out, kids crying, getting burned trying to help dad, mom getting shot, trying to help her kids, blood in that heat stinks really bad, all that shit can really fuck up a good meal, no, not such a charming custom.
You wouldn't think so if it were one of your family.

It was really better when the match strikers took 172 in the bridge of the nose... now THAT is really satisfying.

As I had heard it, it is called "Necklacing". It also involved rope (over the shoulders) to suspend the tire around the victim's midsection. Gas was added and the match struck. Most of the victims were those that made the mistake of not falling in line with the "belief system" of the ANC. Apparently, Winnie Mandela had such a terrible obsession with personally doing the deed herself, Nelson's advisors told him to be rid of her so they could clean up his image. Hence, the divorce. His image went on to be re-made and becoming that of the great (gentle) liberator and him on his way to being elected President. Many people have either conveniently forgotten, or never knew that Mandela spent 18 years in Robben Island Prison for Bombings that resulted in numerous deaths. His total number of years incarcerated was 27. He was also a student of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and von Clausewitz, among others. I suppose that when you were the oppressed, you justified to yourself those acts of violence and terrorism. Personally, I don't believe the end justified the means, but to the oppressed that were fighting for freedom, that opinion would mean nothing.
As I had heard it, it is called "Necklacing". It also involved rope (over the shoulders) to suspend the tire around the victim's midsection. Gas was added and the match struck. Most of the victims were those that made the mistake of not falling in line with the "belief system" of the ANC. Apparently, Winnie Mandela had such a terrible obsession with personally doing the deed herself, Nelson's advisors told him to be rid of her so they could clean up his image. Hence, the divorce. His image went on to be re-made and becoming that of the great (gentle) liberator and him on his way to being elected President. Many people have either conveniently forgotten, or never knew that Mandela spent 18 years in Robben Island Prison for Bombings that resulted in numerous deaths. His total number of years incarcerated was 27. He was also a student of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and von Clausewitz, among others. I suppose that when you were the oppressed, you justified to yourself those acts of violence and terrorism. Personally, I don't believe the end justified the means, but to the oppressed that were fighting for freedom, that opinion would mean nothing.

The shitheads, anc, went after workers on the farms, in the mines, the military, their families, and anybody suspected of informing on them. Anybody that uncle tommed to whitey - "According to the anc" , bastards.
U mention the rope. Bastards would wrap the victim in barbed wire so they couldn't raise their arms above the elbow. Sometimes they broke their upper arms. Then they forced the tire down to the elbows over the arms and chest. Rope could burn off and drop a loose tire, wasn't the preferred method.
The ways I mentioned seemed more in use than a rope.

And our hide brother " has been " thinks that shit is charming. Those thoughts followed right along with Mandela's line of thinking... thats Hater to the max stuff. More in line with what anti-fa wants to do to us.

I still don't like anything that follows mandela's lines, then or now. you made good points...
For the time being, I'll go with him just being sarcastic.....until I know otherwise. It is way too easy to misconstrue what someone says (on the Internet). That is why I prefer face to face conversations. If someone is unclear of someone else's position, they can ask for clarification right then and there. Verbal comms seem to lead to a lot fewer misunderstandings.

The older I get, more I am amazed at the brutality that the human race has exhibited toward one another, for whatever reason or justification served (or serves) their purpose. Really sad.
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J-huskey, First off I am guilty as hell of acute sarcasm, guilty. Second, I well know the memories involving sights and smells can be particularly vivid. It seems i have triggered that in you. I apologize, that was not my intent. I have no use for senseless brutality especially upon the defenseless/ innocents.
I have absolutely NO time or patience with Communists, whether homegrown, imported, or foreign. I have no first hand knowledge of a 172 to the bridge but I can attest to the results of 168's and 147's
J-huskey, First off I am guilty as hell of acute sarcasm, guilty. Second, I well know the memories involving sights and smells can be particularly vivid. It seems i have triggered that in you. I apologize, that was not my intent. I have no use for senseless brutality especially upon the defenseless/ innocents.
I have absolutely NO time or patience with Communists, whether homegrown, imported, or foreign. I have no first hand knowledge of a 172 to the bridge but I can attest to the results of 168's and 147's

Roger that. Thanks as well. LCM 62 was a good year and there were several really good lots of it, white box, red and blue writing. Again, Roger that and Thanks.

LCM 70 in the short case in a Steyr SSG69 did a really good job too.
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