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May 2024 Topstraps Longrange (midrange) RImfire Challenge


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Sep 3, 2009
East side of Ohio
Greetings fellow shooters from Topstraps Rimfire Challenge here in Eastern Ohio, looks like we made it thru another mild winter and are gearing up for this summers matches. I've given a lot of thought about the matches this year and yes I am going to do them same as last year. Donation will still be $10.00/entry again this year.

I got rained out for the April match but even though it looks like rain it won't be like last month. Match will be May 10th, 11th and 12th which is a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'll try to start at 8AM and shoot till late afternoon. It takes about an hour or less to shoot and I can run two thru at a time and it goes pretty quick especially if I have someone else helping to spot for the second shooter.

I still think that ammo is the main deciding factor and the best way to come up with some type of classes. I've seen incredible scores shot with 60 year old target guns and poor scores shot with $7500 custom rifles. This year I'm going to go to three (3) classes and the winner of each class will receive a free entry the next match. The twist will be if a lower class shooter wins their class with a higher score than the class winners above them then the higher winners won't get a free entry. Example: Class C winner shoots a 79 and the Class B winner shoots a 78 and the Class A winner shoots an 80. The class A and Class C winners recieve a free entry but the Class B winner does not. An incentive to compete occasionally with lower cost ammo for the challenge and to do well.

I've added the third class this year due to the new higher cost ammo such as Lapua Super Long Range, RWS R50, ELey Ultra Long Range and Norma Extreme along with a few others that are in that catagory. I've played with most of them and Yes they most definately do have a much better group at distance. A Class B ammo could possible compete with them as long as their dropped round is not on a small target but that's the gamble you take with the mid-range priced ammo. The lowest class is for those that are starting out, can't find or haven't tested better ammo but still wish to compete which is why I do this in the first place. Don't feel you can't come have fun and be competitive, you'll be shooting with others with similiar equipment.

I'm going to have the peep sight targets up at each distance which are 4moa which is about the smallest you can see in the varying light conditions. If a stage has gamble targets for the scoped competitors the peep targets will also have a very challenging gamble higher point value target they can shoot at. Keeps both scoped and metallic sight competitors on their toes. Yes they may look bigger a little farther out but up close they are smaller and only one so it gets shot up quickly. If you think it's easy let me know and I'll have a gun there for you to try.

My main goal is to have a safe place to shoot where everyone can come and hit a lot of targets with a few smaller ones that seperate the better shooters. The targets are up all the time and you can get ahold of me if you wish to come try it out or tweak your sight settings. I only have two benches so sometimes there is a wait for your turn to shoot. You have 3 days to pick from (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) starting at 8AM till 5PM or so. It takes about 100 rounds to shoot and about an hour to finish which is on the high end. Open bolts and chamber flags are a must and no handling of guns once they are leaned into the rack.

The three (3) classes of ammo will be C: $6.00/50 and under, B: Over $6.01 to $14.00 and A: Over $14.01 This may change and I don't have a complete list made up which would be hard to list each ammo but will base this on prices normally found at the online shops and not a sale item. I've sure everyone knows about where their ammo falls, also anyone with a tuner may use it but will jump you into the A class automatically. No Benchrest style front or rear rests and since it's supposed to be fun I won't allow the new Garmin chronographs to be setting on the bench to show each shot velocity. Hmmmm, was that low shot me or was that a bad round? Bipods (even Rempel style) sandbags or an attached monopod are OK. Any scope/rifle combo is allowed but if you show up with a BR style gun shooting in C class you may get a shifty eyed sideways glance wondering what's up with this. Lots of matches this year, hope we get a chance to enjoy a lot of them thru the summer.

I don't have a hard list of each ammo and it's price but if you use Goodshooting or a similiar company you'll find where you're favorite flavor of ammo falls. I think everyone can see how I'm dividing this up so everyone will feel they are competing with like ammo and not feeling they can't have a chance against the higher end stuff.


[email protected]
