Meanwhile on Garand Thumb


Obfuscation Engineer
Full Member
Feb 11, 2022
Covington Wa

This isn't about do you like Mike Jones. This isn't even about the guest shooter.
I'll go with Mike on this one. It turned out to be a good story.

Spoiler. 22LR @ 710 yards? I'd go with not possible. However, he did land one within near spitting distance and that in itself is outstanding.
The guest shooter did get a hit on a coke can at 300 yards. Put that in perspective for the casual shooter, pretty much not going to happen.
For the experienced rimfire shooter it may happen. Give an experienced shooter quality ammunition and the chances increase. Give an experienced shooter a purpose built rifle, quality ammunition, optic, and easy environmental, then it's on the edge of consistency.

At 300 yards.

Move the goalpost out to 400 and cut the hit probability in half.
Move the goalpost out to 500 and cut the hit probability in half again.
Move the goalpost out to 600 and cut the hit probability in half again.
Move the goalpost out to 700 and ...

I know there are some rimfire shooters here that have thousands of dollars in equipment and tens of thousands of rounds experience .
My own experience pales in comparison. Still, I have a very good idea of what it takes to get out to 300 yards with iron sights and 500 yards with optics. At 300 yards and iron (quality peep sights) I can worry a target. At 500 yards with a good optic) I'm somewhere between minute of garage and barn door.

So please, what does the experienced rimfire crowd have to say about this?
Here’s what I think. My Kidd supergrade 10/22 with center X ammo and a 6-24x scope is a 1 moa gun at 50 yards at an indoor range. “Regularly and on command” hitting a soda can at 700+ yards with a run of the mill 10/22 and whatever Winchester ammo is weapons grade bull shit.

Yeah, he landed one in the same area code as the can. Send enough and your overall probability of being close once or twice goes up. He said he needed 4 or 5 to walk it in. At least 2 mags, and most were “no calls.” That is not even close to his claims.

Add to that, the limit of resolution of 20/20 vision is ~ 1moa. He said he could see a coke can at 710 yards- wearing his contacts. I’m spitballing dimensions of roughly 2/3 x 1/3 moa. More weapons grade bull shit.

GT’e face when 22shooter guy said he could see the can, said it all. It was disbelief, but only at the completely brazen bullshit.

He did hit the can at 300y and that’s pretty good. But, it was with a purpose built gun, high end optic, and lot tested (I assume) ammunition. And, he still had to walk it in- on a target about 1.5 moa X 1 moa.

I have a crisp hundo that says he’d still be missing with the 10/22 and iron sights- but the misses would be a bit closer to the target. He appeared to have- at best- a rudimentary understanding of external ballistics- like just enough to get that the wind pushed a bullet and gravity pulls it down. He wasn’t using the stadia in the optic to measure and correct. Just listening to the spotters call corrections in units of target size.

Interesting that it was always the click on an empty mag “that was going to be the one.”

Best guess is he read the range finder wrong and it said 71.0 yards…

That said, it was super cool of GT to pay this guy’s way out to Idaho, pick him up, put him up, and let him shoot on the GT facility (?). I really need to up my YouTube smack talk.
More weapons grade bull shit.

That said, it was super cool of GT to pay this guy’s way out to Idaho, pick him up, put him up, and let him shoot on the GT facility
No disagreement on any particular point. There is one more plus I took from the vid. If you are going to be exposed to " weapons grade bullshit" , at least it came from a goofy cool dude.
I’ve no doubt the guy may have hit a can at 700+ yards with iron sights. Place the can at a recognizable point on a big piece of equipment, and if the rimfire Gods smile on you, heck, it might even happen on the first shot! However, thinking it’ll be a regular occurrence is fibbing to yourself and others.
I’ve lucked into some great shots in my day, only the very best happened in front of witnesses, which spreads the myth, but I’m basically a hack, who gets everything in my favor I can. Even being honest with ourselves, we “know” our accomplishments, and with time the failures and missed shots fade in numbers and importance, and the high marks stand out. “Why, in my day we…”
So if I talk smack I get a free trip to Idaho to to shoot free ammo in conditions I don't see on the east coast? Sign me up. I wanted that guy to be an asshat but it was a cool video and he did better than I expected. GT put that project together awesome. I give 2 thumbs up all the way around.
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to hit the target with good match ammo and a good precision rifle the shooter would have to dial and hold 45 mils. the bullet would top out at 31 feet! in 6.5 creedmoor terms, thats a mile and a half shot. i've seen rimfire shooters take 20 shots at a far target and finally hit it, but that isn't the definition of consistancy.