I'm selling this assembled receiver set. It currently has a LaRue MBT-2S trigger and a Radian ambi safety kit. No BCG or charging handle included. This is a matched set that is extremely precise, the barrel thermofits into the receiver and the receivers are so tight to each other you can hold them upside down with no pins as I show in one of the pictures. This set has about 100 rounds on it, I ended up not shooting this gun.
$550 with trigger shipped to FFL
$480 for assembled receivers shipped to FFL
PayPal F&F preferred.
Trades (cash on top as necessary):
- Aimpoint T-1/T-2/H-1/H-2/CompM5/Duty
- Vortex UH-1 gen2
- Vortex Razor 1-6/1-10
- Trijicon SRO or RMR
- Crye Airlite chest rig
$550 with trigger shipped to FFL
$480 for assembled receivers shipped to FFL
PayPal F&F preferred.
Trades (cash on top as necessary):
- Aimpoint T-1/T-2/H-1/H-2/CompM5/Duty
- Vortex UH-1 gen2
- Vortex Razor 1-6/1-10
- Trijicon SRO or RMR
- Crye Airlite chest rig
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