SOLD MEGA ARMS Billet Upper and Lower Matched Set, AR15, Ambi


Full Member
Oct 13, 2010
Rocky Mountains
So.... I'm a complete an utter fucking moron. I have an excellent quality Mega Arms set on a precision gun, I need to sell it to cover the cost of life, I want to clean it up, so I throw it in to the ultrasonic. I entirely forgot that SOME annodizing is OK in ultrasonics, and SOME is not. Mega's was not.

So I now have an exceptionally clean, but annodizing-looks-awful Mega Arms matched set.

I could have it coated by a local company that does Cerakote, but I don't know if someone would want a matched BCM rail vs OtherRail, or what color. I could list it on Gunbroker and pull some stupid amount for it with the right person. I don't want to make the pool of buyers smaller by choosing the wrong color/combo, nor necessarily the extra work.

OR - I could sell it to a classy person here knowing that they'll coat it the color and rail they want.

I also have a PROOF Research 16" 223 Wylde carbon barrel that can go with it, we can talk about that, receiver buyer gets first crack.

In summation: Functionally perfect condition Mega Arms Billet Ambi Upper and Lower Matched Set, $500 shipped to your FFL.

I will not be posting photos in this thread as it would be evidence of my idiocy. I will email them if needed though.

EDIT: For reference, it's this one

For clarity:

$500 MEGA Upper and Lower Matched Set, ready for paint! FFL must accept from individuals, else add $50 for transfer

+$175 Add new BCM MCMR 13"

+$500 Add PROOF Carbon Barrel, 1:8 Wylde, 16", small cosmetic flaw near gas block

$1550 Cerakoted whatever color you like
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I’d like to sell the barrel and rail and upper lower good to go. I’m willing to mix and match but I’ll take best offer and not necessarily who was first.

Priced as sale, lots of people interested, first to take me up on a deal gets it.
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this has been popular so I’m doing BEST OFFER.

I’d like to sell the barrel and rail and upper lower good to go. I’m willing to mix and match but I’ll take best offer and not necessarily who was first.

Rules require a price. This isnt an auction site. You cant post a price, someone offer your price, then decide your raising the price to the highest bidder. Clean this up.
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