I was in a discussion on another forum about how holsters tend to... accumulate I'll say. Anyway curiosity got the best of me and I pulled the G19 sized holsters out of one (and just one of the boxes/for one of the models) to illustrate the point. Surely I'm not the only one with this affliction chasing after the next "best" holster.
I might not be able to name them all but I'll try- from top to bottom/left to right let's give it a shot...
Top Row: Crossbreed Supertuck (one of the few cow leather options I have from them) & a Galco "Jackass" shoulder holster
2nd Row: Kramer horsehide IWB, a local kydex manufacturer (no longer in business) IWB, Simply Rugged Pancake, & Bianchi paddle holster of some sort.
3rd Row: Fairly sure that's a Bladetech IWB, a Raven Concealment Perun, another Bianchi model "Yaqui style", Another Bianchi (maybe a "soft tuck") and oddly enough, yet another Bianchi...
4th Row: Kirkpatrick "under cover", DeSantis something or another IWB, and a Raven Concealment Phantom...
So there's 14 there and just out of one box and for one model... I might have a problem and not even going to go through the other boxes to see what else I may have in "inventory". Anyone else have a similar problem?