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Rifle Scopes Meopta LPVO Daylight Bright?


Apr 20, 2020

First time post. I have not been able to find clear feedback on Meopta's 1-6 Optika6 illuminated reticles; if they are "daylight bright". I am specifically looking at the Optika6 FFP 1-6, but open to their other 1x offerings. I currently have a Primary Arms FFP ACSS Raptor 1-6. I am hoping Meopta's illuminated reticles would be at least in the same range illumination wise.

Photo(s) of their illuminated reticles vs a bright day for reference would be highly appreciated.

For what its worth, maybe others will find info helpful. I have seen several forum feedbacks affirming below models;

  • Meopta ZD 1-4 was "red dot bright".
  • Meopta R2 1-6 was " Illumination is daylight bright on max setting (8)"

With no current input I am noting reviews from other sources for my own research as I go. Hopefully it will help.

Meopta Optika6 1-6x24 Illuminated KDOT 30mm SFP
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I just had mine out at the range, bright sunny day and on a 5 setting and 1X, I had no trouble putting rounds on target at 50 yards.
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I just had mine out at the range, bright sunny day and on a 5 setting and 1X, I had no trouble putting rounds on target at 50 yards.

Nice pic- cool looking green machine!

Interesting- thanks for reply. 6 is the max setting right? What reticle did you have? Due to lack of info I just opted for the Meopta ZD 1-4x22. Impressed at this point and would be open to another. Could you say as bright as Steiner 1-4 or other known comparison brightness wise?
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No idea about the Steiner, Frank. I chose the K-Dot and will use Strelok Pro to dial in the drops. The ZD line by Meopta is an amazing piece of glass.
Thanks- very happy with it. I think I'd like the KDot. Does all of the reticle light up I assume?

Pic is not the best but wanted to give a rough idea of the ZD K556 reticle and its brightness. Image show was on setting 5 of 7.
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I have the 2nd focal plane .223 reticle and my sample is not what I would call daylight bright and my dot is projected slightly left of center. This is with the battery provided with the optic. Otherwise I am very happy with the optic.

I really think it’s a great option and I like it better than my Crimson trace 3 series 1-5 and illumination is worse on the CT. I think the FFP reticle was poorly executed on the CT.

I had a razor 1-6 and I feel in a lot of ways the Optika 6 is as good as the razor but the razor was definitely better illuminated. I don’t have the razor anymore and this is based off memory only.
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I have the 2nd focal plane .223 reticle and my sample is not what I would call daylight bright and my dot is projected slightly left of center. This is with the battery provided with the optic. Otherwise I am very happy with the optic.

I really think it’s a great option and I like it better than my Crimson trace 3 series 1-5 and illumination is worse on the CT. I think the FFP reticle was poorly executed on the CT.

I had a razor 1-6 and I feel in a lot of ways the Optika 6 is as good as the razor but the razor was definitely better illuminated. I don’t have the razor anymore and this is based off memory only.

That's pretty positive. So the Razor comparison; what points do you feel it was as good as? Glass? I may have to get another rifle lol
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Just got my Optika6 with the 4c reticle in yesterday.

My general opinion (cross posted on other forums):
Even lower end Leupold glass (like the 30mm VX Freedom line) is brighter than this & has a more forgiving eyebox from my experience. The colors through the scope are a shade darker than they appear to the naked eye.

At the price I paid ($465.34 delivered), there's nothing I've experienced in its class. Leupold certainly doesn't make a 1-6x until you pay almost 2x as much. For a hunting rifle, I'm good.

It blows away (better glass clarity & eyebox) Vortex Strike Eagles & Sig's lower tier stuff.

The next step up from this would be a Trijicon Accupoint which is also a substantial jump in price.

Turrets are audible, tactile, &...feel like they were made in an Eastern European factory, which they were, so... Perhaps not a Swarovski or Schmidt & Bender, but for the $, I'm not complaining.

The illumination is what I'd call daylight bright enough. It does wash out on a bright background under bright light, but anything short of that, it's definitely visible. If it's THAT bright out, the etched reticle will do the job.
Frank Castle, the Razor 1-6 was my 1st LPVO and all I had heard was how awesome they are. When I got it I was a bit let down. It was awkward at first coming from an aimpoint to an LPVO takes some transition and I had very different expectations. I felt like it had a lot of fisheye on 1x and the eyepiece required some adjustment for me and it took some of that out. But there was still a lot of fish eye in my opinion. I do think that the razor is easier to get behind quickly but I don’t feel that the meopta is difficult to get behind and several buddies have messed with it and they thought it was pretty nice and not one made any comments about it being hard to get behind. I agree that the razor probably has better resolution than the meopta and I agree that the glass in the meopta is “cooler” and not necessarily darker to my eyes. It looks good on my AR in the house with my weapon light on as a bump in the night response weapon.

My opinion comes from the perspective of a coyote hunter/ LR shooter. I don’t do CQB or 3 gun. For my uses the reticle in the meopta provides a little more utility than the MRAD reticle in the razor as it gives a bit of a wind reference and in Oklahoma that’s important. If I was designing a reticle it would be similar to the new razor 1-10 moa/BDC. But that’s another discussion.

The turrets feel pretty nice on the Meopta and do a good job for zeroing and keeping track of where you are. The razor turrets were nice too.

When I said that it’s as good as the razor I guess that’s my perspective for my uses. I don’t feel like I’m giving a whole lot up to the razor for a Home defense and fun gun with the occasional coyote hunt. I still prefer my bolt guns for that but this is a nice little setup for my intended uses.

If I was a person who used one every day and my life depends on it then I’d go for the razor or another higher end LPVO. But for a lowly civilian this fits my needs and seems like it is well made. I prefer it to the Crimson trace 1-5 I put on my other AR for sure. Time will tell. But I do feel very positive about the Meopta 1-6.
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Well said Fireshooter. Thanks for sharing your experiences with them.

JS8588: also thanks for sharing. I wish I were a little more patient as I’d probably had tried the Optika6. With that said I’m very happy with the ZD but do think it’s going to lead to another.

I am newer to scopes. It’s interesting to see perspectives or to borrow the term “philosophy of use” I never used them for 500 yard qualifications with irons. But my eyes suck now. Started off with a Primary Arms and happy I found the Meopta and this sight.

Meopta has become my Spyderco of scopes. Prior to my first Spyderco the Buck 110 was king and I was fine with flea market knives. Once I stepped into Spyderco I evolved into customs as my eyes were open. Hope that made sense.

I went with 1-4 this round figuring it’d be plenty for use on an 11” 556.

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