
Dec 18, 2018
When it comes to learning the art and science of precision marksmanship, the path tomastery is seldom a smooth, or direct. By embracing a practice using a set ofapproximations more commonly known as “rules of thumb” a student can quicklyprogress and not get caught in the weeds that trap many other shooters from makingprogress toward mastery. Lets look deeper into how the snipers hide/riflekraft projectuses rules of hand to accelerate the learning process and provide confidence andproficiency earlier for students.

Using Rules of Thumb

Rules of thumb are practical guidelines that serve as a foundation for learning andpracticing a particular skill. These rules are based on general principles and acceptednorms within marksmanship. While they may not account for every exception or nuance,rules of hand provide a starting point for understanding and applying a skill...

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