Mexico grows a pair - Mexico’s President Wants Obama Era’s Fast and Furious Gun Running Scandal Investigated


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Mexico doesnt have any room to talk. They kill plenty of ours with drugs and disease. American money fuels their country.

As to the drugs, they wouldnt send them if there was no demand. So who is the truly guilty party. If you want to assign guilt, then both.

On the other hand, if they were legal it would put a serious crimp in the cartels money bag, and save us billions used to incarcerate those who use them. That money could be put to much better use.
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As much as I detest Obama, we cannot set any precedent allowing him to be extradited. Makes to much headache and bullshit for any future former president and any other country.

We should let him defend himself in our courts until he's completely broke and see how he likes it though.
Too funny. There's no" His Money" he and his boyfriend are very well taken care of by the people that put him in office. Do you believe that he has bought a $9 million home in DC and a $13 million home in the Hampton with his money?
He's been on public assistance his entire life.
As much as I detest Obama, we cannot set any precedent allowing him to be extradited. Makes to much headache and bullshit for any future former president and any other country.

We should let him defend himself in our courts until he's completely broke and see how he likes it though.
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