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MHSA Training with Lowlight and Mike at MHSA

Flatbush Harry

Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
I'm not sure where to post this so I put it here...mods, please move as appropriate.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to get introduced to some excellent Precision Shooting Training with Lowlight (Frank Galli) and Mike from MHSA in MHSA's Precision Rifle Class. These guys know what they're about and what is needed to shoot well with precision rifles at distance. They are both excellent instructors.

This was a three day class that covered, and then practiced, many of the elements of precision shooting out to 1,450 yards, dealing with wind, elements of the environment affecting trajectory, and shooter fundamentals of marksmanship. Lowlight and Mike did an extraordinary job of working with a dozen shooters of various experience and skill levels. As a representative of the old farts age cohort with limited long range experience, I may have learned the most even if I was not near the most improved. We had a shoot-off on day 3 of two shooters who hit every target out to 1,450 yards with first shots that was won by a great guy who did the class with a .338 Lapua AI Maverick, narrowly beating out another great guy with a 6x47 Lapua. Both Frank (Lowlight) and Mike were exceptional instructors and the class content helped all 12 of us improve greatly.

I heartily recommend both MHSA as a vendor (they built my AI AT set-up last year that was a hammer) and their training as an excellent way to get started and/or move forward with precision shooting. While I was one of the laggards, I was able to hit a target at 1,250 yards, dealing with wind of 16+mph at the target and learning how to make good wind calls. Their training is exceptional and, at the price point, a terrific value. I recommend it with no reservation. I'm eager to do more.

Thanks again to Frank and Mike...I hope I'll have the chance to work with both of you again.

As a USAF puke (1968-1971), I'll simply say to them, "Keep the Blue Side Up",

Yes it was a Great class.

Howard is a True example of what can be done with motivation and intestinal fortitude!

It was hot and windy, Howard shot without the benefit of a muzzle break or can. And he performed very well!

Take care Howard, it was a pleasure to train and shoot with you!

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Thanks you for your AAR! Makes me jealous every time I read one.

Looking to take the same class as soon as work allows. Hoping I can shift some things to do the October class, if not I’ll have to jump on an early class next year. Mike is a great guy and got me squared away with my AIAT too, shortly after moving to CO. Haven’t had a chance to meet frank yet, but I’ve seen him a couple times at MHS. I need to get out with them and get some learning done!
Yes it was a Great class.

Howard is a True example of what can be done with motivation and intestinal fortitude!

It was hot and windy, Howard shot without the benefit of a muzzle break or can. And he performed very well!

Take care Howard, it was a pleasure to train and shoot with you!



It was a pleasure to spend time with you. I should have mentioned that you had 9 first-shot hits out to 1,125 yards and only missed the shoot-off by missing the last target. I really enjoyed spending time with you, as well as Eddie and Dave and hope that we get the chance to shoot together again.

Best wishes,

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BTW, I had not used Mike's last name to protect his privacy. However, since I recommend both MHSA Training and Mile High as a vendor without hesitation, Mike is Mike Menchaca at MHSA. He is both a great instructor, as is Frank "Lowlight" Galli, and a first rate knowledgable guy about shooting and equipment. Mike recommended and put together my AI AT. MHSA has information and contact data on their website, but Mike is both enormously helpful and a great resource.

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