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Fact Check: Are Moderna and Pfizer Immune From COVID-19 Vaccine Lawsuits?
Millions of Americans have already received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccines, but many people wonder if pharmaceutical companies will be liable in the event of a vaccine-related injury.
So Pfizer finally admits the vaccine was never tested against transmission so time to go after them now that’s it’s on record.
Whoever wants to win the republican nomination for president should explain they are going to amend the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) and/or CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program) regulations allowing vaccine injured persons and their families to sue the drug companies with no financial caps for 100 years out. Read Newsweek article for details on these programs.
VICP (non Covid vaccines) allows individuals to make claims within three years of their first symptom. CICP (Covid vaccines) on the other hand, allows petitioners only one year from the date of vaccination.
CICP doesn't pay fees for lawyers or expert witnesses or provide awards for suffering or damages; VICP does. VICP also permits appeals all the way to the Supreme Court.
In other words, people who make claims about injuries or allergic reactions to either of the COVID-19 vaccines have less time to make their petitions than people who have filed claims for injuries from vaccines related to the measles or the flu. They also are less likely to receive compensation for injuries from COVID-19 vaccines, and if they do receive compensation, it likely will be a smaller amount.”
“In 2005, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) was created to protect from liability pharmaceutical companies that make or distribute vaccines unless there is "willful misconduct" by the company.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar invoked PREP in February in response to the pandemic, declaring COVID-19 to be "a public health emergency warranting liability protections for covered countermeasures."
This means that companies like Moderna and Pfizer are protected from lawsuits regarding their COVID-19 vaccines until 2024.”
Sue all these drug companies into oblivion. There was “willful misconduct” on behalf of these drug companies. Every other commercial on TV the rest of my life should be attorneys wanting to sue Pfizer/Bio-Ntech/Moderna/J&J for no upfront costs. Just like they went after Big Tobacco. Too may businesses, careers, lives, and peoples health were destroyed over this fiasco.
Burn it all down. This should never be allowed to happen again where the MIC (Medical Industrial Complex) is given liability protection or the equivalent of a legal “hall pass” on vaccines.
Whoever is the republican challenger up against Trump toward the end of the primary he’s looking for the knock out blow, I would expect him to pull this vaccine disaster out and beat him over the head with it relentlessly. That’s what I would do if I were running. Pound him with it daily and if Trump deflects then say “was it not you who appointed doofus Pence to run the Covid-19 task force?”
Sorry it’s not business it’s personal…
Whoever is elected in 2024 should proclaim they will amend the VICP and/or CICP regulations allowing persons/families with vaccine related injuries /death to sue the drug companies as I mentioned above. Also go after big pharma for crimes against humanity aka neuremberg 2.0.
Make ’em Pay!