I could not agree more. Now, I am no fan of McDonalds seeing as they are directly responsible for God knows how many thousands of deaths (due to coronary heart disease). However, why would any profit seeking venture want to hire today's fucked up youth? First, you have to cater to their every fucking whim. Today they might be female, tomorrow they could decide they are male. 99% are fucking liberal, snowflake pussies who are offended as often as you and I change socks. So the company has to coddle these adult babies to make sure NOTHING hurts their feelings. Or they will be boycotted to the brink of bankruptcy. Then to top it all off, they want to be paid $20/hr, work 30 hours a week, and be given a month off paid vacation. Not even the fucking French have it that good. I would be spending whatever it takes on robots just to be rid of these miserable human beings.