What's new for 2020 - https://midatlanticrimfireseries.wordpress.com/2020/01/16/mars-2020-whats-new/
Welcome to a new season of MARS!
The new 2020 Rulebook can be found here - Rulebook
For the latest updates, follow MARS by entering your email at the bottom website.
Welcome to a new season of MARS!
The new 2020 Rulebook can be found here - Rulebook
- Series Qualifications
- To qualify for the Series Finale, competitors must shoot MARS matches at four (4) different participating clubs. The top scores from each of those 4 clubs will added together in the Series Points Leaderboard. Invitations to the Finale will be in order of series points standings at the end of the season.
- To become Series Champion, series points earned from the shooter's top scores at four (4) different clubs will be added with series points earned at the Finale. The highest series points will be declared the Champion.
- A match must have a minimum of 10 competitors to qualify for series points.
- Membership
- Dues are being established to help cover operating costs.
- Membership is not necessary to shoot in any MARS match.
- To participate in the points series, competitors must become MARS members.
- All registered members will receive a MARS membership number, which is how series points will be tracked.
- Membership for Bolt and Semi-Auto divisions will be $30 per year.
- Membership for Juniors will $1 per year.
- Only 1 set of scores in a 1 division will be tracked per membership. Multiple memberships may be purchased.
- Dues must be paid for scores to be tracked and posted on the MARS Leaderboard.
- Scores earned before membership will not be recorded.
- Memberships can be purchased at the MARS Store.
- New Junior division
- 15 years old and younger
- Beginner classes
- Unsure about coming to your first match? Have a spouse or junior you want to gently introduce into the sport?
- MARS now offers private, introductory classes. We will teach you everything you need to know to attend a match. Click here for more info.
- New Clubs
- Alexander Sporting Farm
- LHK Shooting Sports
- Northern Virginia Gun Club Precision Rimfire Shooters
- For the full list of matches, click here.
For the latest updates, follow MARS by entering your email at the bottom website.