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Mike Glover

I'm still suspect of why he needed PII data to join AC (he's open about being former CIA).

Regardless, it is clear how lines are being drawn in the current day. Curious if there is any document out there that references ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist group or similar
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Also, I am surprised they haven't gone after him for violating his non disclosure statements. I had to sign a ton of them every time we went to training for GRS, and just talking about GRS was one of the things not allowed.
I was a big fan of Glover until I learned he's still friends with those leftists at BRCC. Ironically, his friendships with those leftists at BRCC is enough evidence for the FBI to not consider him a serious threat to the swamp. If Glover eventually denounces BRCC and quits being an apologist for BRCC, like he should, the FBI might decide he's a threat to the swamp and deep state.
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I was a big fan of Glover until I learned he's still friends with those leftists at BRCC. Ironically, his friendships with those leftists at BRCC is enough evidence that the FBI won't consider him a serious threat to the swamp.
Mat Best is not a leftist, I used to sit outside and hang with him in Iraq. Used to go shooting with him and the Peshmerga all the time too. Evan....yeah....not a fan either. He knows them because they worked together.
I was a big fan of Glover until I learned he's still friends with those leftists at BRCC. Ironically, his friendships with those leftists at BRCC is enough evidence for the FBI to not consider him a serious threat to the swamp. If Glover eventually denounces BRCC and quits being an apologist for BRCC, like he should, the FBI might decide he's a threat to the swamp and deep state.

The purity tests will continue until morale improves.
Mat Best is not a leftist, I used to sit outside and hang with him in Iraq. Used to go shooting with him and the Peshmerga all the time too. Evan....yeah....not a fan either. He knows them because they worked together.
I spent my life believing "live and let live" regarding Americans VS democrats, but now I know better. The correct mindset to save our Republic is to consider all Dems and RINOs, and their enablers and apologists, to be enemies of America and domestic Terrorists.

I just triple-checked and Glover still refers to evan hafer as a friend. Matt Best still acts like evan hafer's friend. The lines are drawn and it's time for people to choose sides. Unless and until people denounce and unfriend America's domestic enemies known as dems and RINOs- they can't be trusted.
I spent my life believing "live and let live" regarding Americans VS democrats, but now I know better. The correct mindset to save our Republic is to consider all Dems and RINOs, and their enablers and apologists, to be enemies of America and domestic Terrorists.

I just triple-checked and Glover still refers to evan hafer as a friend. Matt Best still acts like evan hafer's friend. The lines are drawn and it's time for people to choose sides. Unless and until people denounce and unfriend America's domestic enemies known as dems and RINOs- they can't be trusted.
Well there you go, they evidently haven't gotten to that point. I am at that point as well. Maybe this will do the trick.
I wonder if either of these insignias would put me on "The List".



Here's one just for Joe.

I spent my life believing "live and let live" regarding Americans VS democrats, but now I know better. The correct mindset to save our Republic is to consider all Dems and RINOs, and their enablers and apologists, to be enemies of America and domestic Terrorists.

I just triple-checked and Glover still refers to evan hafer as a friend. Matt Best still acts like evan hafer's friend. The lines are drawn and it's time for people to choose sides. Unless and until people denounce and unfriend America's domestic enemies known as dems and RINOs- they can't be trusted.

You're seriously retarded. If someone like Mike Glover is considered the enemy, you're probably gonna die alone.
I like Mr Glover. His firefight breakdowns are great and I think he’s on the level with us. But yeah, FUCK Hafer!
“Our government, in all of its corruption, is making mistakes.”
Well Mr Glover, I think this was quite intentional. And probably intentionally leaked also to try to make us second guess ourselves..? Honestly tho just kinda makes me want to join a militia and get a Betsy Ross flag tatt on my fckn forehead.
Also, I am surprised they haven't gone after him for violating his non disclosure statements. I had to sign a ton of them every time we went to training for GRS, and just talking about GRS was one of the things not allowed.
Woahh you were GRS?! Damn bro.. as much as I ain’t a fan of a lot of the spook bullshit done that is in direct conflict with the interests of America and some of your fellow spooks like Felix Rodriguez(“hero of a hundred unknown battles” and killed Che Guevara) - I love anything to do with killing commies but Rodriguez was literally in the torture room and helped kill DEA Agent Camarena for getting too close to Iran-Contra coke smuggling ops…GRS is a absolutely badass job! Would love to hear some stories if you can ever share
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So on one hand, Mike Glover and his colleagues teach self-defense, practical firearms usage, and survival skills to civilians. He's also been one of the fiercest critics of the Uvalde debacle. He caught the attention of the current administration and has been singled out for speaking truth to power regarding the current social-political environment and the threat it poses to the average person.

On the other hand, he wears a hat from a coffee company that some people don't like.

Obviously, he's unfit to pass the purity test.

Good luck with your purge, comrades.
"Good luck with your purge, comrades."
The purge has begun and has been going for sometime.
Coming November is when things are going to get interesting.
If the left wins,and they are pushing back real hard,just look at what's happening in some of the Counties in AZ and you can get an idea of what they are up to,
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"Good luck with your purge, comrades."
The purge has begun and has been going for sometime.
Coming November is when things are going to get interesting.
If the left wins,and they are pushing back real hard,just look at what's happening in some of the Counties in AZ and you can an idea of what they are up to,

Well, that may be true, but thankfully we've got real patriots like @Milf Dots manning the gates and ensuring purity of the ranks. I hear he may even be in the running for the prestigious General Jack D. Ripper award.

It just occurred to me that Mike Glover races a Subaru WRX rally car, so he's probably a lesbian in addition to whatever else he's being accused of.
I don't know who this youtube star is but he lost all credibility in his message above when he said that he is doing the same thing Evan Hafer is doing by giving back and building a better country. Okee dokee captain America, I ain't buying what your selling but good luck with your build back better goals. :ROFLMAO:

Good grief these ex spec ops grifters are the worst kind of toxic because they prey on good American's emotions to gain fame and power and so many people fall for it. Cringeshaw was elected using the old "I was a SEAL" schtick, McCain "POW", Kelly "astronaut"...these people are the worst kind of Trojan Horse. Quit falling for it.
So on one hand, Mike Glover and his colleagues teach self-defense, practical firearms usage, and survival skills to civilians. He's also been one of the fiercest critics of the Uvalde debacle. He caught the attention of the current administration and has been singled out for speaking truth to power regarding the current social-political environment and the threat it poses to the average person.

On the other hand, he wears a hat from a coffee company that some people don't like.

Obviously, he's unfit to pass the purity test.

Good luck with your purge, comrades.

I normally agree with things you post as you seem to be a critical thinker and take things with a healthy dose of skepticism. But in this thread you seem to discourage critical thinking and champion blind hero worship. Do you suggest that we trust anyone that makes their living off of gun culture? Do you know this guy above personally? If so, please share how that people are foolish for not trusting him especially when he aligns with well known grifters.

I mean, you are suggesting that he's a gun guy that has said things which, "has been singled out for speaking truth to power". Ok, so has Crenshaw. Are we to trust Crenshaw too? I mean you are calling people names here and mocking their purity tests but you seem to have your own purity test by trusting them because they are part of gun culture.

You're being hypocritical and I'm only pushing back because you have taken a name calling/mocking approach to a person that is (wisely IMO) critically thinking for self preservation.
Didn't watch it yet.
Is this one of those things where because you like the color orange, you're a terrorist, or did they contact him/somehow restrict him due to 'terrorism'?
They put his logo next to 3 others on a 2 page document of a “leaked FBI memo” (quotes because I’m 7/10 it’s real) that is a guide to identifying “militia violent extremists” or whatever an MVE is

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They put his logo next to 3 others on a 2 page document of a “leaked FBI memo” (quotes because I’m 7/10 it’s real) that is a guide to identifying “militia violent extremists” or whatever an MVE is

It's the same dumb shit that happened with DHS under obama.

If you were white, had a job, were patriotic/liked your country, owned any firearm at all and were against unchecked immigration - you were a domestic terrorist.

I'll give this dumb shit the same level of attention I gave the DHS stuff back then.

Because remember kids, the largest threat to our democratic republic, is a bunch of unarmed people showing up to make our tough talking 'leaders' instantly go into panic attack and crawling around on the floor like a little bitch, mode.
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I tried his channel out and, frankly, I think he's a fucking blowhard.

Maybe he's just being sensational for clicks or subscribers or whatever but I don't really care. Don't need the drama, preach at somebody else.
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Was the BLM flag or insignia on their list?Just curious.I hope you guys are aware they just do this to rev everyone up. Both sides do it now it has become a game. The US Govt has been reduced to the WWE.
Was the BLM flag or insignia on their list?Just curious.I hope you guys are aware they just do this to rev everyone up. Both sides do it now it has become a game. The US Govt has been reduced to the WWE.
That's BS because Antifa/BLM ARE actual domestic Terrorists- plenty of live/recorded videos prove it. Were you living under a rock?!
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I normally agree with things you post as you seem to be a critical thinker and take things with a healthy dose of skepticism. But in this thread you seem to discourage critical thinking and champion blind hero worship. Do you suggest that we trust anyone that makes their living off of gun culture? Do you know this guy above personally? If so, please share how that people are foolish for not trusting him especially when he aligns with well known grifters.

I mean, you are suggesting that he's a gun guy that has said things which, "has been singled out for speaking truth to power". Ok, so has Crenshaw. Are we to trust Crenshaw too? I mean you are calling people names here and mocking their purity tests but you seem to have your own purity test by trusting them because they are part of gun culture.

You're being hypocritical and I'm only pushing back because you have taken a name calling/mocking approach to a person that is (wisely IMO) critically thinking for self preservation.

Thanks for the compliment (seriously). Now I kinda feel bad for letting you down with my responses :( But I'm not retracting them, as my approach has a purpose, and that's to poke fun at the fact that @Milf Dots has basically become a funhouse mirror version of the communists that he's purportedly "fighting" (and by that, I mean "posting one of three or four pre-recorded thoughts on a forum of people who overwhelmingly are in agreement with his positions, but who aren't inclined to respond with that agreement because of the way he's articulating his position.") I get it, I've got a few hot-button topics in which I likely come off in a similar manner.

But in this particular case, he's just wrong. We don't have to recap the BRCC fiasco, and I think people are entitled to their opinions on the matter even if much of the reaction is basically the same as the woke cancel culture most of us mock when the shoe is on the other foot.

What I don't get is his accusations that Mike Glover is a RINO that deserves to be treated with the same contempt one would normal reserve for a mortal enemy. Flat-out, Glover ain't the bad guy here; in fact, he's done far more for the freedom/independence community than most others who talk a good ideological game but do very little. Check out these clips:

That's just a small sample; Glover's posted dozens more like this. And that's not too mention the fact that he runs at least two companies dedicated to teaching civilians how to stay alive in a variety of dangerous situations both natural and man-made. I'm not riding his dick, I have no vested interest in his companies, I just appreciate the fact that he's making what appears to be a solid effort to educate the public. Is he also trying to make money? Yep, that's capitalism, and I'm trying to do the same thing in my chosen field even though there are larger ideological forces that guide my choice of vocation.

So if I'm to balance his body of work against the fact that he wears a BRCC hat and goes on podcasts with Evan Hafer to talk about cars, yeah, I'm going to come down in favor of guys like Glover all day long. They're doing the Lord's work at a time that it's politically dangerous to do so, and I think that's far more valuable than demonstrating the appropriate ideologically purity when appearing on the Internet.

Hopefully that helps clarify my position, and thanks for initiating the conversation even if we're still in disagreement.
Hopefully that helps clarify my position, and thanks for initiating the conversation even if we're still in disagreement.

It does clarify your position, thanks for the response I do understand. I don't know who Glover is, I've seen his name and his videos pop up in my Ytube lists but I've never watched any. My tolerance for BS is very low and these days I have developed a habit of ignoring anything endorsed or associated with these ex high speed guys who are gaining big followings. I know some personally, but not the ones with the book deals who literally make money by just giving their opinions. My point being that their former job title alone does little to impress me.

So given my low tolerance for BS, you might understand that when I see this guy speak for the first time and he's comparing himself to his friend Evan Hafer in their alignment of goals...it's a quick bye bye for me. Hafer is toxic and I don't have time for that in my world. Hafer and that other dark haired douche (don't recall his name, Jared?) that is part of BRC and on their podcasts, are enough to turn me off to their brand completely. I think some people there are cool, but those two clowns are so toxic and destructive that if a person declares themself to be "just like Evan"...then I will take them at their word.
Personal relationship with people you disagree with is not a sign of weakness. If I 100% cut ties with all the people who aren’t in lock step with my ideals I’d be worse off for it. Some, I can only take in small doses, but allowing yourself and your left if center friends to silo is just aiding in dividing the country and weakening us as a people.

I don’t know Grover. I like some of his stuff, some of it is a little too commercial for me, but I have no doubt his base beliefs are in the right place, even is he takes money from the company.

No doubt, just about everyone here is listed. Probably multiple times.
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