Accessories Misc barrels for sale, Brux, Bartlein, Krieger, Rock


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Full Member
May 26, 2008
Central TN
I have a few odds and ends barrels for sale. You can post here then email the shop your info at [email protected]. These barrels are NOT on the website, I dont want to make a special line item for each one. I will not sending photos of a barrel blank, they look just like any other barrel blank. No trades, just money. Shipping $20ea

#1- Brux 30cal 10tw SS 4G Sendero (Rem varmint w/.875" @28") 29", 6 straight flutes stopping at 26" $275 SOLD
#2- Brux 30 cal 10tw SS 4G #5 29" interrupted fluting stopping at 22" $275 SOLD
#3- Krieger 30 cal 10tw SS 4G Heavy Varmint w/1" muzzle 31" blank $350SOLD
#4- Brux 30/10tw SS 4G #5 29" hybrid flutes stopping at 22" SOLD
#5- Brux 30 cal 10tw SS 4G Sendero (Rem varmint w/.875" @28") 29", interrupted fluting stopping at 26" $275 SOLD
#6- Rock 30cal 9tw SS 5R Rem Varmint 29" 6 straight flutes stopping at 26" $275 SOLD
#7- Bartlein 6mm 10tw SS 5R 2b 24" Bugnut pre-fit for Howa/Wby vanguard, 243Win, 24" finish. Includes BugNut $250
#8- Bartlein 338 9tw SS 5R LEFT hand twist, MTU 31" $430 SOLD
#9- Bartlein 30 cal 11tw SS 5R 3b 27" 6 straight flutes stopping at 21" $350
#10- Bartlein 338 10tw SS 5R 1.350 MTU 31" $350 SOLD
#11- Rock 7mm 9tw SS 5R SS MTU 30" (this is an early 2000s barrel) $350
#12- Rock 6.5mm/8tw SS 5R AMU 29" (this is a mid 2000s barrel made from crucible steel) $400 SOLD
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