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Mississippi Cop Arrested, Brought to Station in Own Cruiser After Shoplifting Sneakers in Uniform


Full Member
Feb 25, 2017

A Mississippi police officer was arrested and brought to the station in her own police cruiser after getting caught shoplifting sneakers in uniform.​

Robin Conner, 33, was on duty earlier this week when she went to a Dicks Sporting Goods in Columbus.

Conner tried on a pair of $140 sneakers, then attempted to leave the store while still wearing them.

Columbus Police Chief Joseph Daughtry told The Dispatch that he responded to the scene himself.

“An employee observed them and detained the officer and called 911,” Daughtry said. “911, knowing it was an officer, called the (shift supervisor) and they notified us. Myself, the assistant chief and the captain over patrol all responded.”

“We’re putting her in jail,” Daughtry said. “It’s embarrassing for the department, but we’re going to treat her like we would anybody else.”

CPD will be handling the case.

“I don’t see there’s any conflict of interest,” Daughtry said. “If it was a major case we would turn it over to another agency, but this is a misdemeanor and it’s pretty much cut and dried.”

The Blaze reports, “Conner was booked into the Lowndes County Adult Detention Center, charged with misdemeanor shoplifting for stealing goods worth less than $1,000, and given a $862 surety bond. She is scheduled to appear in court on April 4.”

Though she was originally placed on administrative leave, but the Columbus City Council voted unanimously on Thursday to fire her.

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Seems to be a common characteristic with about 80 percent of criminals.
I've never heard of my friends or their friends ever doing something like this.

If I could just figure what type of people are always committing these crimes.

At least the dept handled it appropriately. Which should go without saying but by today's standards I'm surprised the chief didn't arrest the manager for detaining her
A little pepper spray and a taze would have put a nice finish on things.

Driving her to jail in her own cruiser is going to be hard to beat, tho.

I like how the Chief thinks.
You think cops are bad now?
Wait until they start throwing badges on illegal aliens.
Just wait until there is a service plan approved and serving in the military is a plan for citizenship in mass numbers, it’s already been done on a small scale, they have already actively attempted to purge the military of let’s just say traditional recruits with American values. I can hear the argument now, we have a recruiting problem, here are all of these fit candidates who only want to be part of the US and serve their new country.
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Just wait until there is a service plan approved and serving in the military is a plan for citizenship in mass numbers, it’s already been done on a small scale, they have already actively attempted to purge the military of let’s just say traditional recruits with American values. I can hear the argument now, we have a recruiting problem, here are all of these fit candidates who only want to be part of the US and serve their new country.
You don't really believe that they will line up at the recruiting office, do you?
Some will but if it's mandatory. There's going to be a massive exodus. Bigger than the one in '08
  • Wow
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You don't really believe that they will line up at the recruiting office, do you?
Some will but if it's mandatory. There's going to be a massive exodus. Bigger than the one in '08
We are giving out buckets of money for just showing up, so yes I completely believe they will offer enough to get the military they now want, one not designed to fight a foreign enemy but a domestic one.
We are giving out buckets of money for just showing up, so yes I completely believe they will offer enough to get the military they now want, one not designed to fight a foreign enemy but a domestic one.
If they are going to ship fodder to Ukraine or Taiwan? Then you have to account for the majority coming in right now are illiterate in their own language.
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You don't really believe that they will line up at the recruiting office, do you?
Some will but if it's mandatory. There's going to be a massive exodus. Bigger than the one in '08
I had a job foreman that was an illegal alien that joined the Marines in the late 60's or '70, went to Vietnam and later became a DI.

He said by the time they found out he was an illegal he was already through boot camp and they granted him papers. He said he got in constant trouble with his DI's because he couldn't understand English and spent time in a sandbox learning his Left from his Right.

He was also a bad racist and hated white rednecks like me.
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If they are going to ship fodder to Ukraine or Taiwan? Then you have to account for the majority coming in right now are illiterate in their own language.
True, fodder is fodder, they need bodies not minds. One of two things has to be true. Option 1 is that democrats are truly just incompetent and clueless, and they really had no idea that opening the border would cause what we are seeing. Option 2 is they knew exactly what would occur and that was their end goal, to import a new percentage of the population that would do whatever they said.

The thing that frustrates me is they are following the same blueprint to the letter that communist have been following for more than a century, very successfully I might add. Step 1, take control of the education system, plant the seeds that the current system of government is unfair and against whomever your recruiting. Step 2 destroy organized religion, you really don’t want a higher power than the state. Step 3, import those who will support your new found world view. Step 4, subvert the military, purge any that would support the country as it exists. Step 5, undermine local law enforcement until crime increases to the point people are screaming for help, then replace local law enforcement with federal forces, which of course you’ve already converted. When the plan is followed you can simply walk in and take control with very little resistance, often to cheering crowds. The majority of people were thrilled when Stalin and Castro took over just to name a few, and paid with decades of darkness. Our real enemy is the American middle, who change opinions almost daily to whoever offers the easiest solutions that soothe their conscience and promises to keep their current status no matter how ridiculous the so called solutions actually are. The true left is already a lost cause and will happily walk straight into servitude if they are promised to be fed and Netflix stays on.
True, fodder is fodder, they need bodies not minds. One of two things has to be true. Option 1 is that democrats are truly just incompetent and clueless, and they really had no idea that opening the border would cause what we are seeing. Option 2 is they knew exactly what would occur and that was their end goal, to import a new percentage of the population that would do whatever they said.

The thing that frustrates me is they are following the same blueprint to the letter that communist have been following for more than a century, very successfully I might add. Step 1, take control of the education system, plant the seeds that the current system of government is unfair and against whomever your recruiting. Step 2 destroy organized religion, you really don’t want a higher power than the state. Step 3, import those who will support your new found world view. Step 4, subvert the military, purge any that would support the country as it exists. Step 5, undermine local law enforcement until crime increases to the point people are screaming for help, then replace local law enforcement with federal forces, which of course you’ve already converted. When the plan is followed you can simply walk in and take control with very little resistance, often to cheering crowds. The majority of people were thrilled when Stalin and Castro took over just to name a few, and paid with decades of darkness. Our real enemy is the American middle, who change opinions almost daily to whoever offers the easiest solutions that soothe their conscience and promises to keep their current status no matter how ridiculous the so called solutions actually are. The true left is already a lost cause and will happily walk straight into servitude if they are promised to be fed and Netflix stays on.

McCarthy was right. And has been 'exonerated' in several books.

However, the 1960's revisionist historian community of Filthy Draft-dodging Hippie scum who got PhD's and revise the post-war Narrative had to re-write McCarthy as an evil drunken lout who destroyed America during the 1950's... in order to cover up the massive Communist infiltration of the Government, academia, Hollywood, education, NGO's, etc.

By making the 'persecution of Communism' un-American, these 'historians' created decades of air cover and a trendy term... McCarthyism... that they could use to attack anyone who was the least suspect about Communists' vow to destroy the capitalist West. All the while working like termites to destroy the West.

And when Communism collapsed and showed (again) that it didn't work in 1989... they hijacked the Environmental Movement and replaced Red Books and Leninist ravings for "Dying Polar Bears and Recycle Bins." Gaia is the new Das Kapital... and it is aimed at EXACTLY the same thing. Destruction of the West and redistribution of wealth to benefit a 'governing' elite. The environmental movement IS Communism wrapped up in a pretty bow.

Its not stealing you racist fuckers. Ben Crump says its their culture. They wuz raised stealing, monkey fucking white women and killing each other for hard looks. We just need to accept that this is all they have to offer decent society.

That and pushing fat white people here in the airport at MSP. I'm waiting for my flight and its like a foreign country here.
13%er doing 90% of the street crime.

And people say they're lazy.
It’s really like 3 percent

Half of 13 percent to account for mainly males. That’s about 6. Then account for the fact it’s 15-35 year olds. So like 2-3 percent of people commit 90
Percent of crime.

It’s a lot more than 52 percent. Because of all the city crime that goes unsolved
  • Wow
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