Shooters -
Weather permitting, Big Piney Sportsman’s Club in Houston, MO will hold its third Steel Tactical Match on Sunday, January 19th, 2014 at 9AM.
We have refined two more stages to make it an even better competition, and more appealing to the novice and expert shooter alike.
We think these changes will make our Steel Tactical Match a fantastic event, and should allow all shooters to finish by 2PM, for those of you who have to drive a long way.
There will be nine total stages, testing a variety of long range skills from 100 to 700 yards. There are timed and untimed stages, a variety of shooting positions and barricades. Bolt and gas guns are all welcome.
Entry fee is $20. Homemade lunch is $5. Water, beverages, and toilet facilities are available on site. ....our location
Approximately 40 rounds will be required for the main match and 20-30 rounds if you want to compete in all the side matches.
.30 caliber max, 3100 fps muzzle velocity speed limit, no steel or steel core ammo (m855, Russian ammo, etc.)
Get your DOPE charts ready and come join us for the only match of its kind in Missouri…see you there!

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