Re: MKII TR worth it?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GotCox</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: armorpl8chikn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just buy a CZ and you will know you bought a good rifle. </div></div>
If your just gonna be a CZ fanboy and make jabs at other brands of guns please go away. If you think nothing but a CZ is a good guy that is fine, but let others have there own thoughts and keep spending your money for pertty wood. </div></div>
I think before you dismiss me scooter I will get you straight about a couple things. First of all I am not a CZ fanboy and have no brand affiliation whatsoever. I call a goddamned spade a spade no matter the situation. I don't make lame assed excuses about me doing my part. As to the jab hell I have been around here long enough I am starting to believe the best 22 rifle made today is a Savage. I do know better and you aren't the first feathers I have ruffled over their beloved Savage and you won't be the last.
You talk about your experience and I wonder just what that might be. Hell its the internet afterall. You might be 75 or 15 but if you think you are some white knight riding in to defend the defensless think again. Out of all the people that frequent the rimfire forum you thought you would set me straight after a stint of less than 30 days I guess some Savage fanboys can sleep better tonight knowing you are in their corner.
If you will do a little gravedigging, which I expect you already have, you will find that I have allowed that these rifles beat hell out of what I had to squirrel hunt with when I was a kid. BUT I have a bit better insight into what it takes to be an accurate 22 rifle and I have more than a handful of reference points to prove that fact. I have seen more than a few persons pour their money into one of these so called tactical trainers that Savage is producing and end up very disapointed taht it wasn't what they expected. Oh it looks the part but when the rubber meets the road most as a rule find out they got a tactical squirrel rifle.
For the record, right now, the best out of the box 22 trainer on the market is the Anschutz MPR....PERIOD! I have seen them put down the mightiest of custom rigs on a monthly basis. As far as CZ is concerned they give no quarter to all but the Anschutz. CZ is the BEST buy for the money on the market today. That is not idle chatter that is from REAL experience, not popping tin cans with the neighbor kids or punching paper at 50 and 100yds. All this has been hashed out more times in this section of Sniper's Hide more times than I care to count. About a year ago this sub MOA bullshit was laid to rest rather soundly but it seems to have picked up quite a bit of steam again. Few people have any idea what the hell a sub MOA 22 rifle IS let alone own one of these fantastical creatures. All 22's are sub MOA when you cherry pick groups and omit fliers as wind, not doing my part, etc ad nauseum.
I am a match director for CVRPC in Conover NC. We run a 22 TSC match every second Saturday March through October and often have between 30 and 40+ shooters bringing everything to the line from 100yr old Martinis to The cheapest Savage WalMart sells and everything in between. I KNOW what shoots and what doesn't. Our match is a brutal proving ground for accuracy from a 22 and the Savages have NEVER been up to the task often populating the bottom of the pack. Before you break out that other lame assed excuse, "its about the shooter not the gun", let me stop you. I will never argue that but David Tubb cannot win a match with a rifle that is not up to the task at hand. I will also be quick to tell you there have been a few stand out scores with a Savage at CVRPC but in 2 years there have been NO, NONE, NADA Savage that has ever won a match. We have some good shooters and they can drive a Savage to its full extent as proven by these token stand out scores. There was one match that a Savage/Anschutz won the match but anyone that knows anything knows those guns are not Savges at all simply Anschutz 64s that Savage imported and slapped on a piece of wood and a shitty trigger. They shoot just like an Anschutz 64....because they are. It was not my intention to rub anyone the wrong way but simply to speak the truth. The truth is something I will not back down from should every person here tell me to shut the hell up. There are bound to be a few great examples of Savage 22's out there but I have yet to actually be within rock throwing distance of one and I have been that close to a rather large sample at every 22TSC match. Think what you want. I am not here trying to make you think anything you don't want to think or make you shoot what you don't want to shoot. I will back up what I say with facts and if that hurts your feelings or anyone elses tough shit.
Here are the match reports if you would like to know how Savages really shoot otherwise keep living in your jaded little world.
Don't think just because you are new you can wade in the deep end with no repercussions. Don't go whining to Lowlight or the mods about me attacking you either. You pulled the tiger's tail not me.