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MkII TRR-SR & 93R w/Nikon P-223 3-9x40 review


Full Member
  • Oct 26, 2011
    <span style="color: #000099"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-size: 11pt">I recently purchased 3 Nikon P-223 3-9x40 BDC 600 scopes from my local candy store as they were blowing them out the door at $159 each and I was looking for some glass to outfit two of my rimfires. After doing some research it looked like the P-223 scopes, made in the Phillipines, for Nikon were getting good reviews. Exposed turrets, 1/4 MOA, zero reset. The Nikon online "Spot-On" technology worked well for me. The scopes tracked very well in the box test and BDCs were...well, spot on. Loads tested were:

    1. Federal bulk pack 36 grain high velocity
    2. CCI mini-mag 36 grain high velocity
    3. Aguila 60 grain Super Sniper subsonic
    4. Remington 38 grain subsonic
    5. Remington 17 grain .17 HMR
    6. Hornady 17 grain .17 HMR
    7. Hornady 20 grain XTP .17 HMR

    The Remington turned out the best results for me in the .22LR and the Hornady 17 grain produced the best results in the 17 HMR.

    Both rifles are bone stock with only a little blue locktite and torque checks done.

    This scope might be a good alternative for anyone looking for a rimfire scope with a BDC reticle that can be customized to any load you want using Nikon's spot-on.</span></span></span>
    <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z9my6UdqUZg&feature=plcp"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z9my6UdqUZg&feature=plcp" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
    Re: MkII TRR-SR & 93R w/Nikon P-223 3-9x40 review

    Bravo, Very nice! Obviously you put a lot of work into helping guys get the right info and showing your application. Impressive!
    I love the .17hrm, I got the Alexander Arms AR, very accurate and to much fun! Love the smiley face om the target too! I'm gonna do that and take credit for it!
    Thanks again!
    Re: MkII TRR-SR & 93R w/Nikon P-223 3-9x40 review

    I picked up a nikon 223 a few months ago, but have not used it. Glad to hear it works well for you. I am probably going to put it on a single shot 300 blackout I am working on.

    I do wish I could change the turret out for one that is marked in MOA instead of 100's of yards. It won't come close to matching the 55g .223 turret that is on the scope.